the first seven top five lists:

Sep 26, 2006 00:24

[From the requests here. Multiple pairings, canonical and extracanonical, are stated or implied. Also, there's one completely gratuitously tragic AU. BtVS spoilers through "Chosen". The rest will be written and posted tomorrow, or Thursday, whichever comes first.]

CJ, Kaylee, Tara, Xander, House, and Rodney McKay )

west wing, kaylee frye, firefly, mcweir, tara maclay, 5things, crossovers, house m.d., willow/tara, xander harris, cj cregg, house/wilson, rodney mckay

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Comments 16

zinelady September 26 2006, 15:00:51 UTC
very good. I was wondering what you would come up since House does tease Wilson so much. I love the wives one. hehehehe


wisdomeagle September 29 2006, 00:11:09 UTC
It wasn't easy, that's for sure! :)


mari4212 September 26 2006, 15:22:24 UTC
Ooh, so good. And then the Rodney one makes me hurt so much for him.


wisdomeagle September 29 2006, 00:12:08 UTC
I know! Sigh, for gratutiously tragical AUs.


hermionesviolin September 28 2006, 15:48:54 UTC
I love the CJ set, and the Kaylee set is so true.

Xander regret #4 makes me laugh, and #3 makes me go "Ohhhh....." His Doesn't Regret #4 is also so true.


wisdomeagle September 29 2006, 00:12:44 UTC
Thank you! I'm really glad. :)


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