[From the requests
here. Multiple pairings, canonical and extracanonical, are stated or implied. Also, there's one completely gratuitously tragic AU. BtVS spoilers through "Chosen". The rest will be written and posted tomorrow, or Thursday, whichever comes first.]
Five Characters from the multiverse that CJ should get it on with. -
hermionesviolin 1. Tara, because she would teach CJ silence, and CJ would teach her words.
2. Cuddy, because it would be insanely hot.
3. McKay and Weir (together), because they come to Washington DC and try to brief her and get so tangled up in desire and appearances, become tongue-tangled and twisted and pretentious and flustered, and the only thing that can straighten them all out is sex.
4. Kaylee, because she's open, and she's joy, and she is every kind of happiness that CJ needs.
5. Me. (Waah.)
Five of Kaylee's Happiest Memories: -
hermionesviolin1. Waking up to a sunbeam across her bed back home, and knowing that the whole day had yet to be lived.
2. Taking apart a clock and thinking she'd stopped time, and her dad showing her how to put it back together, so time started up again.
3. The first time she came on Serenity.
4. Once Inara came to dinner -- before, when she was mostly aloof and thought herself better than they -- and she sat next to Kaylee, and when Kaylee offered to share her portion of fresh fruit, the look on Inara's face was so gracious Kaylee thought she could never be rude or unseemly again.
5. The first time she kissed Mal's cheek, and he smiled.
Five things Tara loved best about Willow -
poisontaster1. When Willow was tired, her defenses would evaporate and her costumes would recede, and she would just be Willow, and when Willow closed her eyes, Tara could see her heart as it truly was, and she didn't want to wake up.
2. Willow knew the names of all the stars, and all the herbs, and all the goddesses, and if she didn't know, she'd make up stories that were truer than what you'd find in books.
3. Tara was the first person who knew that Willow tasted like strawberries.
4. She loved the way Willow's smile filled her whole face.
5. Willow knew, without understanding how she did it, how to make Tara laugh.
Five things Xander really regrets -
invisionary1. Dating Cordelia. Really. Cordelia?
2. All the jokes he made about Willow and Tara when they first got together. He thinks he'd have had a better shot of sleeping with them if he'd been more sympathetic.
3. Forgetting to save his collection of comic books from Sunnydale. Not that there aren't other things he wishes he'd saved, but those, at least, he thinks he could have.
4. The whole thing with Willow's Barbie. That he lost his first girlfriend over plasticware is bad enough, but the fact that she keeps telling people the story -- and they're at a point where most of their mutual acquaintances know this story -- means he'll never stop regretting it.
5. That he never slept with a guy before he got married, because now he'll never get the chance, and hey, maybe he wouldn't like it, probably even he wouldn't like it, but he doesn't like knowing that he'll never know.
Five Things Xander Really Doesn't Regret -
invisionary1. Dating Cordelia, because, well. Maybe she didn't have the experience Anya did, but she taught him a thing or three in the tongue department that he wouldn't have learned from anyone else.
2. Every single time he kissed Willow.
3. Loving Anya.
4. He knows he should, but he can't bring himself to feel bad about bringing Buffy back, either time.
5. Getting married.
Five things House never teased Wilson about: -
zinelady1. The way he walks.
2. The way he gives head. Because that's something you don't want to mess with.
3. His wives. Well. At least until the first affair. Or the first pass Wilson makes at an another woman. Or the first indication that she's not the one. But until then, they're strictly off-limits.
4. If Wilson ever said, without irony, that he loved House, House is pretty sure he wouldn't tease him about it. But Wilson's never said it, so House doesn't know.
5. His opium addiction. Oh wait - was he not supposed to mention that? Oops.
Five days Rodney wishes he could forget -
mari42121. The day he had his first asthma attack, and thought he was dying.
2. The day he got a B on an English exam, and couldn't argue his way to an A.
3. The day he realized he was in love with Elizabeth, because that was also the day he realized she would never love him.
4. The day when, drugged on something alien, he kissed Elizabeth, and was reminded that she could never love him.
5. The day Elizabeth died.