ficlet: "On Notice!" Joss/Alexis

Aug 25, 2006 15:09

Title: "On Notice!"
Fandom: Jossverse RPF
Pairing: Joss Whedon/Alexis Denisof
Rating: G
Notes: The On Notice Board Generator is here. I have no desire to make my own, but this scene has been in my head since I first saw the meme.
Disclaimer: To my knowledge, Joss and Alexis are not really sleeping together.
Summary: Don't they have something better to do with their time? (No.)
Words: 300ish

On Notice!

"Look," Alexis says to the computer screen -- or possibly to Joss, it's hard to tell; Alexis hasn't shifted his gaze from the monitor since ten this morning. "Take notice!"

"Observe!" Joss says, and Alexis frowns (still facing the computer screen). "Are we not listing synonyms for 'Look'?"

"No. We're not." Alexis points at something that had previous been buried in the depths of the internet, which he has now (unwisely) brought to light. "Take notice."

"It says on notice," Joss corrects. "And I don't think that word means what you think it means."

"Fangirls, right? They've noticed me."

"I think they've noticed you," Joss agrees. "Just, not the way you think."


"It's a thing. A TV thing. Do you watch any TV?"

"I watch How I Met Your Mother."

"Your wife's shows don't count." Joss considers. "Except for Buffy."

"I watched that Firefly show a few times. It was good. A bit... you know. But good."

"You um. Do realize that was my show, right?"

"It was?" Alexis finally turns to face Joss, incredulity all over his face. "I was sure it was Tim's project."

"Just for the record," Joss says, "whose show was Angel?"

"Tim as well? Or, no, wait, I've got this one. David Greenwalt?"

"Alexis. Did you ever, while you were playing Wesley for four and a half years, notice me, you know, directing you as to wear to sit, where to stand, how to deliver your lines?"

"Once or twice. I thought you had a nervous tic of some sort."

"Yes," Joss says. "Many. Most of them your fault. Would you like me to explain why you're on notice?"

"I'm not sure I understand what that even means."

Joss takes a look at the image Alexis is staring at, does a double take, recovers, and says, "So, why are we on notice again? And... that's not Stephen Colbert's actual board, is it? Because I'm pretty sure I haven't missed the show, and..."

"No," Alexis says. "Fangirls."

"Ah." Sometimes, there really is a simple explanation for everything.

rpf, my fanfic, joss/alexis

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