guessing games again

Aug 25, 2006 00:57

likeadeuce played the 25 favorite characters as a guessing game. I like guessing games. Can you guess my favorite characters from these 25 shows?

1. Buffy: the Vampire Slayer - Giles, guessed by scrollgirl. (Tara is a close second.)
2. Angel - Fred, guessed by mari4212 and malnpudl. (Wesley is a close second.)
3. Firefly - Kaylee, guessed by inlovewithnight and malnpudl
4. West Wing - CJ, guessed by inlovewithnight and malnpudl
5. Stargate: Atlantis - McKay, gussed by malnpudl. (Weir is a close second.)
6. Sports Night - Natalie, guessed by malnpudl
7. Veronica Mars - Keith, guessed by jedi_penguin
8. House M.D. - House, guessed by 2weeks3days. (Cuddy is a close second).
9. Farscape
10. Andromeda
11. Stargate: SG-1 - Daniel, guessed by inlovewithnight. (Sam is a close second.)
12. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Kira Nerys, guessed by likeadeuce (Odo is a distant second.)
13. As Time Goes By
14. Keeping Up Appearances
15. Sabrina: the Teenage Witch - Salem is one correct answer, guessed by 2weeks3days
16. Dark Angel
17. Star Trek (original series) - Spock, guessed by malnpudl
18. Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Daniel S. Tiger, guessed by jedi_penguin
19. Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? - Patty Larceny, guessed by alixtii
20. Two of a Kind
21. Vicar of Dibley - Geraldine, guessed by malnpudl
22. Wishbone
23. Arthur and Friends Francene, guessed by jedi_penguin
24. The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle - Rocky, guessed by likeadeuce
25. The Three Stooges - Larry Fine, guessed by jedi_penguin

I should have said "let's see if I can think of 24 shows that don't prove I watched nothing but public television during my formative years." But the answer would have been no.

memes, guessing games

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