Claudia Jean is sex - 4 CJ drabbles

Apr 24, 2006 23:49

Perhaps more later.

[For sangerin. "Dead Irish Poets." CJ/Abbey/Donna/Amy. R. Drunk.]
Abbey, Donna, and Amy )

west wing, my drabbles, bsc, my fanfic, tara maclay, cj cregg, cj/tara

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Comments 12

mayhap April 25 2006, 03:56:11 UTC
"I was hoping I wouldn't have to actually, physically, support artwork."

"I'm pretty sure they've got walls for that."


I love it.


wisdomeagle April 25 2006, 04:04:29 UTC
Yay! I realize BSC characters don't actually feature in the fic, but CJ and Josh are just too much fun. I'm really glad you enjoyed. :)


mayhap April 25 2006, 04:07:51 UTC
One of my guilty pleasure is reading fic in fandoms I don't know! I say guilty, because I read it, and it's awesome, and I feel that I should review it, and I end up saying things like, "These people that I don't know who they are, they are awesome and funny and sexy and stuff!" I think I have done this to you before.


hermionesviolin April 25 2006, 14:40:05 UTC
Yup, that totally made me giggle.

And I like the AU CJ/Tara very much.


(The comment has been removed)

wisdomeagle April 25 2006, 06:33:52 UTC
Thank you!


raedbard April 25 2006, 14:43:59 UTC
Can I just say? Yes.

Sam, whose tight collar chokes his fear.
Saaaam! That is Sam. (Why can I never seem to seperate Sam's personality from his starchy white shirts?)

Josh, who looks one direction and thinks the other, loosens his shirt and rolls up his sleeves and isn't afraid to make a mess with his life if it means another vote.
Can I just steal your brain, just for a minute? Looks one direction and thinks the other is a very apt way of describing him and something that just would never have occurred to me. *loves*

Toby, silent and sad
:( Oh, my lovely boy. But again, perfect. (See, you absolutely have them down. *prods gently*)

Their love is so circular. (And the title rocks too.) *loves unabashedly*

"This isn't working. I can't stand... I can't stand it when I'm away from you, and I can't do anything when I'm near you.... What are these?"?
Is utterly perfect CJ - the run-on babble finished with a straight question. She's not easy (I don't think), so props to you for that. :)

but CJ is catlike over Tara's shoulder ( ... )


wisdomeagle April 25 2006, 23:54:48 UTC
Why can I never seem to seperate Sam's personality from his starchy white shirts?

I know!!

Is utterly perfect CJ - the run-on babble finished with a straight question. She's not easy (I don't think), so props to you for that.

See, there was some intervening stuff, but I cut it to make this drabble-length. So I'm really glad it all worked out. (But that's how I feel about drabbles. They will work out, even if you have to cut stuff you're attached to. It's murder-your-darlings in miniature.)

I'm really glad you liked (and thanks for the reccage at your journal! *twirls*) and you know, I will try to write more WW because I love it SO much, but... I have some serious problems with writing it that I should post about at length at some point. *sigh* I wish I could write it well!


dariclone August 22 2006, 00:21:37 UTC
Loved all the C.J. femslash. I *love* C.J/Tara and the C.J./Claudia was brilliant!


wisdomeagle August 22 2006, 02:14:51 UTC
Thank you so much!


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