Claudia Jean is sex - 4 CJ drabbles

Apr 24, 2006 23:49

Perhaps more later.

[For sangerin. "Dead Irish Poets." CJ/Abbey/Donna/Amy. R. Drunk.]
Abbey, Donna, and Amy )

west wing, my drabbles, bsc, my fanfic, tara maclay, cj cregg, cj/tara

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mayhap April 25 2006, 03:56:11 UTC
"I was hoping I wouldn't have to actually, physically, support artwork."

"I'm pretty sure they've got walls for that."


I love it.


wisdomeagle April 25 2006, 04:04:29 UTC
Yay! I realize BSC characters don't actually feature in the fic, but CJ and Josh are just too much fun. I'm really glad you enjoyed. :)


mayhap April 25 2006, 04:07:51 UTC
One of my guilty pleasure is reading fic in fandoms I don't know! I say guilty, because I read it, and it's awesome, and I feel that I should review it, and I end up saying things like, "These people that I don't know who they are, they are awesome and funny and sexy and stuff!" I think I have done this to you before.


hermionesviolin April 25 2006, 14:40:05 UTC
Yup, that totally made me giggle.

And I like the AU CJ/Tara very much.


wisdomeagle April 25 2006, 23:48:48 UTC
*g* Yay! Thanks. (And you know, any excuse to write gratuitous self-insert fic. So thanks for that. :) )


hermionesviolin April 26 2006, 00:40:36 UTC


poeticinsanity September 11 2007, 12:23:39 UTC


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