ficpost: "Go-Round" (Ann M. Martin/Elaine Fairchild)

Jan 18, 2006 15:58

Title: "Go-Round"
Fandoms: BSC real-person femslash (BSCRPFS, for future reference) x Mister Rogers' Neighborhood
Pairing: Ann M. Martin/Elaine Fairchild
Rating: PG
Notes: Remember, you promised!
Spoilers/Timeline: The late eighties. No spoilers for anything that I can recall.
Disclaimer: This is completely totally made up and fictional as far as ( Read more... )

rpf, pbs kids, my fanfic, bsc fic, la femslash, is ann m. martin gay or what?

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Comments 25

hermionesviolin January 18 2006, 21:17:07 UTC
*reads "Elaine Fairchild"*

*thinks "Who's that?"

*reads "Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood"*

*is confused, as remembers not any adult women in Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood (or any other humans at all save the mailman)*


*backs away*


thelastgoodname January 18 2006, 22:13:47 UTC
There was one non-puppet woman, but I don't remember her name: googling gets me Betty Aberlin. She would hang out in the kitchen a lot, and sometimes had long conversations with Trolley and Lady Elaine... and I admit I have wondered about the two of them.


wisdomeagle January 18 2006, 23:22:00 UTC
But in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, the characters played by puppets and the characters played by humans (Mr. McFeely, Lady Aberlin, Mayor Maggie, Neighbor Abor, and Bob Dog are the ones springing to mind) interact on a pretty much equal level. Their being played by puppets has no actual plot-wise impact on anything that happens.

And for the record, in my fic Elaine is human-sized.


hermionesviolin January 19 2006, 01:13:46 UTC
But in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, the characters played by puppets and the characters played by humans [...] interact on a pretty much equal level. Their being played by puppets has no actual plot-wise impact on anything that happens.

It occurs to me to wonder if this is part of why Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood never quite connected with me -- though that's probably not it.


thelastgoodname January 18 2006, 21:59:24 UTC
You are completely cracked and absolutely brilliant. This is fabulous. I love it.

To put this in context: Mr. Rogers is my hero; he is all that is good and joyous in life, and the Neighborhood of Make-Believe is the best place on earth. Before I knew anything, Mr. Rogers was there, telling me he liked me just the way I was, and in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, all the characters had reasonable character flaws, and he still liked them, just the way they were.

And Lady Elaine so needed to get laid.

This is - you are the best. This is the best. They would be so good for each other.


wisdomeagle January 19 2006, 00:47:09 UTC

That's so how I feel about Mister Rogers. I just - he was my friend.

I know it is cracktastic like whoa, but I am so glad someone is coming with me on this.

They would be so good for each other.

Yes omg.

I'm so so glad. :)


thelastgoodname January 19 2006, 04:24:57 UTC
This undoubtedly says things about me any self-respecting therapist would start drooling about, but as soon as I saw the pairing, I thought, "that makes perfect sense!" Some pairings are so obvious once someone else points them out to me, but I'd never have thought of them myself.

(And I agree: Ann and Lady Aberlin are too similar; Ann needs someone like Lady Elaine, who {like Kristy} is willing to throw herself into things wholeheartedly, without fear of getting things wrong.)


wisdomeagle January 19 2006, 04:33:21 UTC
*laughs* That's exactly how I felt! Because I was going through my big mental list of fandoms/source material and sighing over the lack of appropriate partners for Ann, and then I hit on this! And was so excited because I could see the whole thing in my head and it worked so perfectly, and I went:

Ari: But NO ONE WILL READ IT. Try to think of another pairing.
Brain: No. This one is too great.
Ari: But... but... but.
Brain: DO IT.
Ari: *writes*

Ann needs someone like Lady Elaine, who {like Kristy} is willing to throw herself into things wholeheartedly, without fear of getting things wrong.

Yes, so much!

Which is another Paula/Ann thing, since when they were co-writing, Ann liked everything outlined ahead of time while Paula just plunged in. (I feel a little weird about writing/shippping Paula/Ann since Paula died so recently [there's something frelled that I'm less squicked about the puppet-pairing than the recently-dead-real-person pairing...], but like the idea. And we could smush the names together, sort of, and call it


sk8eeyore January 18 2006, 22:06:06 UTC
Oh dear goodness. You are so crackful.

Why Lady Elaine and not, say, Lady Aberlin?

*is slightly embarrassed to admit that she watched some of Mr. Rogers today while eating her lunch, because really, what else is on at 1:00 p.m.?*


wisdomeagle January 18 2006, 22:44:11 UTC
Lady Elaine is more butch yay? (I love Lady Aberlin and always have, but for some reason in coming up with potential girlfriends for Ann, I was convinced she needed someone talkative and butch-like to balance out her shy femme-ness. I think it's the strong Kristy/Mary Anne thing - Mary Anne is Ann's avatar and Mary Anne surrounds herself with people who can do the talking for her - it's also something I get from chat transcripts and her description of her friendship with Paula Danzinger - I v. much feel that Ann's philosophy of love is an opposites attract type deal.)


mayhap January 18 2006, 23:29:56 UTC
In all honesty, I don't remember Lady Elaine on Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, as my memories of the show have coalesced into a sort of fuzzy happy thing. However, this does not matter because Ann M. Martin + merry-go-rounds + museums + complete and utter crack == so much love. Yes.


wisdomeagle January 19 2006, 00:33:25 UTC
I was about to say most of my memories had gone the same way, though immediately realized not so much - the geography of the Neighborhood of Make-Believe is rather firmly embedded in my head I think - but still. Ann. Museum-go-round. Gayness. YAY!


velvetandlace January 18 2006, 23:35:37 UTC
That's one show that's never cracked my Australian bubble, so I'm a little confused and in the dark - but, oh, love for your Ann.


wisdomeagle January 19 2006, 00:38:44 UTC
*g* I kind of shape-shifted the canon a bit; Lady Elaine Fairchild really does live at a museum-go-round, and the trolley is canon, but in no way whatsoever does the tone of this match the tone of the show.

Am so glad you love my Ann. I love her too. :)


velvetandlace January 19 2006, 03:36:34 UTC
I'd love to see you write more Ann :)


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