ficpost: "Slinky, Untangled" Dawn/Tara

Sep 06, 2005 01:15

Title: "Slinky, Untangled"
Fandom: Buffy, the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Dawn/Tara
Rating: NC-17
Timeline/Spoilers: Futurefic, AU from sometime in S6
Notes: Backup fic for ricktboy in the femslash_minis Dawn round. He wanted ice cream sundaes, magic, no disapproving Buffy, and NC-17. The slinky described is sitting in my lap.
Words: 1564
Summary: Packing, distractions, and ( Read more... )

dawn/tara, femslash_minis, my buffyverse fanfic, my fanfic, dawn summers, tara maclay

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Comments 26

callmesandy October 2 2005, 16:55:04 UTC
So sweet! That felt very Tara and Dawn, and as always, your dialogue sounds so spot-on.


wisdomeagle October 2 2005, 17:20:24 UTC
Thanks so much! <3 Am glad you like my dialogue.


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