ficpost: "Slinky, Untangled" Dawn/Tara

Sep 06, 2005 01:15

Title: "Slinky, Untangled"
Fandom: Buffy, the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Dawn/Tara
Rating: NC-17
Timeline/Spoilers: Futurefic, AU from sometime in S6
Notes: Backup fic for ricktboy in the femslash_minis Dawn round. He wanted ice cream sundaes, magic, no disapproving Buffy, and NC-17. The slinky described is sitting in my lap.
Words: 1564
Summary: Packing, distractions, and ( Read more... )

dawn/tara, femslash_minis, my buffyverse fanfic, my fanfic, dawn summers, tara maclay

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Comments 26

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wisdomeagle September 7 2005, 18:31:13 UTC
Awww, thank you! Yay quirky! And... yay! Thanks so much!


ladyvivien September 7 2005, 20:30:05 UTC
I was of your Tara fics, I forget which one, last night. And I made a note to myself to come online and read more of your stuff. Then lo and behold, hermionesviolin links to this. And there was squeeing and joy throughout the land.


wisdomeagle September 7 2005, 20:33:25 UTC
Aww, thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)


hermionesviolin September 7 2005, 22:50:41 UTC


tsiankiio September 8 2005, 02:05:14 UTC
I came in search of Sg fic, but ran into this instead. I love Dawn these days... possibly because she has room and time to grow in fic, especially this one. Plus Dawn and Tara are so pretty together.


wisdomeagle September 8 2005, 07:33:37 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed -- and hope you enjoy any SG fic you happen across. :)


zgirl714 September 9 2005, 13:29:47 UTC
Wow! I know I just asked to archive another one of your fics but this is really good. My site is Magic Happens and I would really love to archive this fic. Thanks!


wisdomeagle September 10 2005, 20:13:13 UTC
Sure, go ahead. Archive at will. My penname is Ari. I'm glad you enjoyed both this and "The Core of the Apple."


tinpanalley September 16 2005, 18:52:40 UTC

Ooh, this was yummy and sexy and SO good! Really enjoyed it!


wisdomeagle September 16 2005, 19:07:53 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)


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