procrastination bliss, in the form of RPF.

Nov 22, 2003 14:49

Wistful's Exciting RPF Fantasy Adventure

Actual Heading:
Rating: PG-13, probably.
Explanation: So awhile ago wistful_fever said "maybe one day they'll be RPF about me. And there's canon knowledge about my sexuality, which means there could be GOOD RPF about me." This is RPF about Wistful. It is not good RPF, however. It's very, very badfic. It's not really ( Read more... )

parody, rpf, teh_funneh, wings yes wings, my fanfic, crackfic

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Comments 11

gvambat November 22 2003, 13:06:15 UTC
Laughing my fucking ass off...

Ok, ok, review:

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!1111 you cant leave us hanging like this!!!!1!!! we have to know how hte story ends!!!!! (and she should definitly mary the princess, because Danny is MINE! ALL MINE!!!!211)


wistful_fever November 22 2003, 17:49:36 UTC

Oh, wow. I've been RPF'd. I've been waiting my whole life for this day!

*grabs gut*

Ow, though. I laughed so hard I think I broke something. And it just might be someting I'll actually need one day. Ah hell, the coffee probably destroyed it anyway, might as well rattle it around a bit.

She needed slash! Specifically, she needed Jim/Blair slash. You see, Wistful had a rare condition called Slash Anemia and if she didn't have enough slash in her system, she would die!!! But when she went on the internet, she was shocked to find that even though there are approximately seventeen thousand slash stories in the Sentinel fandom, Wistful had read them all!!! Twice.

You have no idea how close that is to truth.

NO idea.

*hugs you hard*

And I'm holding out for a shotgun wedding that includes 3 pressed outfits and a very shocked looking Justice of the peace.

*hugs you again*


wisdomeagle November 22 2003, 21:44:19 UTC

I aim to... please.

You have no idea how close that is to truth.

:p *might have some idea*

*hugs you back*

I have now lost my RPF virginity. :D

*hugs more*


seimaisin November 22 2003, 20:44:16 UTC
You bitch!!!1!1!!! You know that I used Maryanne Susanna Beautiful in my last Wistful fic, and you just stole her from me! I hope no one reviews you ever and that you die of a horrible plague so there.

translation: snorts with laughter, scares the cats, spills kool-aid all over keyboard. all your fault.


wisdomeagle November 22 2003, 21:41:14 UTC
OMG!!! That is so not true!!! She was my idea first and you know it and I'm going to the supreme court with this and they will get you back you character-stealing meanie.

ps: I only stole her because your fic sucked. And it didn't have any wings.

::is evil:: ::has now lost RPF virginity:: ::and badfic virginity:: GO ME!


seimaisin November 23 2003, 13:41:23 UTC
And it didn't have any wings.

Hmph. Wingfic sucks, anyway!


::does the badfic dance for you::


nel_ani November 23 2003, 06:07:46 UTC
*laughs ass off*


wisdomeagle November 23 2003, 09:39:40 UTC



wistful_fever March 3 2005, 08:46:33 UTC
I was just meandering through the past and stumbled upon this again, and it made me smile so wide my face now hurts.

I'm an absent horrible friend, but...

Still love you.



wisdomeagle March 3 2005, 19:43:39 UTC

Love you too. :D

::hugs back::


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