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Comments 11

kokorabbit5 December 2 2008, 16:39:15 UTC
I absolutely love Pushing Daisies, it's really the only TV series I keep up with lately.
I'm disappointed it got canceled, but it was up against Knight Rider and Bones. ): Ah, well, there's always DVDs.
I love how bright and colorful the show is, it's so quirky. :D Plus, I think Kristin Chenoweth is adorable. X3


kokorabbit5 December 2 2008, 16:43:06 UTC
And I don't get the fruit/person thing either.

But I guess it's cause whatever age the person dies at, they stay that age when they're dead? And all fruits do when they die is rot.

I'm not quite sure, I won't even try to understand my own theory. :P


winterspel December 2 2008, 16:56:50 UTC
I love the colorfulness of it, too - to me, the series has been like a warm and fuzzy oasis of fantasy amid many of the darker things I'm reading/watching. I've found it very comforting.

Let us conclude that the fruit/person thing is Mystery!


kokorabbit5 December 2 2008, 17:17:49 UTC
It's almost scary in contrast with everything else on TV, really. :P The first season DVDs are really crisp and clear on anything. Even on the old big screen we have, normally I can't read text on that thing.

It is a mystery, indeed. :o


kitsune714 December 2 2008, 19:47:09 UTC
winterspel December 2 2008, 22:25:46 UTC
I'm really excited about where they're taking the Bond franchise and I hope they keep up the commitment to making Bond movies that are both action-packed and intelligent.

I feel the same way, and considering what they did with QoS, I think they will follow through - this film felt like they were building the character arc of Bond by extending from the Casino Royale wreckage - I don't think that Bond could be capable of much more than what we got in QoS - picking up exactly where CR left off, he was enraged and grieving and lashing out in any way that he could. The next film should show how he comes out of this and develops a new resolve - and most likely we'll see his humor return as well.


alexandral December 2 2008, 21:52:26 UTC
however, it was definitely odd to see Billy Lush, when I had literally just finished watching him as a rather despicable character in Generation Kill

Oh, what a crazy guy he played! Though I thought the actor was most excellent. It is not that easy to play this level of crazy, when one can still mask as a normal person.

I might pick up "Pushing Daisies" too, seeing that it is not going to last and last and last forever. I know it is sad when a show ends but at the same time sometimes I think 2-3 seasons are enough for the majority of shows.


winterspel December 2 2008, 22:30:53 UTC
I know it is sad when a show ends but at the same time sometimes I think 2-3 seasons are enough for the majority of shows.

I actually agree with you on this - my disappointment is mostly in the fact that the way U.S. television works now - a show can be canceled before it has a chance to tie up its storylines. I would really, REALLY prefer that U.S. television moves to a finished story model (and shorter "seasons" - I think 10-13 episodes works just fine) so that producers & writers get to write complete stories. I doubt that Pushing Daisies had the chance to resolve all the plot points it introduced this season when it wrapped after episode 13. It's so unsatisfying to start watching something and then be left hanging like this.


nutmeg3 December 2 2008, 23:06:44 UTC
Last night's T:TSCC made me cry. Seriously. This show just keeps getting better. And I've been watching 30 Rock since the beginning, so I'm really happy that it's finally catching on and winning awards and stuff.


winterspel December 3 2008, 01:53:36 UTC
It was such a good episode of TSCC last night - I really loved Cameron's story (although the research they cobbled together in a single night made me laugh - to assemble the kind of data they came up with would require a lot more time than that, believe me, I know...) and I'm glad they're dealing with the idea of people going astray in time.

Honestly, I'm sort of glad I waited on 30 Rock, if only because I have had the pleasure of marathoning it - and it is a very great pleasure indeed. :)


cuillin December 4 2008, 03:00:37 UTC
Hmmm, you have good taste in tv :-) Why am I not surprised!
SCC: watching the ep in a few minutes. Now I'm really curious....
Liking it more this year! Amazed that N is watching with you.

30 Rock: in my long line of stuff to watch via Netflix. Though after your glowing review think it'll be moving up a few spots.

Pushing Daisies: Went to a panel at Comic Con, and was instantly
a fan :-) Unlike anything else on tv at the moment as far as I
know...love the quirkyness (is that a word?). Figures they canx it. Don't think the strike helped...

Off to watch SCC,
Chris /cuillin


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