(no subject)

Dec 02, 2008 11:09

Lately, I've gotten what is (for me) a decent amount of writing done, which is awesome considering that I went through such a current-events-&-election-related dry spell this autumn. The pity is only that my urge to write is coming at the worst time - the busy holiday season, when I have a limited amount of time to accomplish a ridiculous number of holiday-related tasks. I will persevere, however! :)

First things are first, however. Must reply to comments and catch up on flist as soon as I can manage. :)

Have a lovely day, everyone!

Things I've watched lately (and loved)

1. I finished Generation Kill - and it was fantastic, as expected. I want to watch it again! And of course the book has been sitting on my shelf since this summer, so that needs to be read, too.

2. I finally saw Quantum of Solace - and I really, really liked it. I didn't love it, but that's okay. Someone on my flist said that it felt like a middle film, and I had this feeling while watching it. It's not as good as Casino Royale, but still, I liked it a lot, and I love how they keep drifting away from the fantasy of James Bond and treading into deeper, darker waters. The conspiracy at the heart of this film has way too many frightening elements of truth to it.

3. I really liked last night's Sarah Connor Chronicles, and I'm tickled to death that N has become a fan of Summer Glau's portrayal of Cameron (ok, actually I'm more tickled that he's even watching this show with me, and that he's interested enough to follow along) - we've both become increasingly impressed with her performance this season. I have to admit, in the beginning, I was a little afraid that her portrayal might become one-note, but this season has given her some amazing things to work with. (however, it was definitely odd to see Billy Lush, when I had literally just finished watching him as a rather despicable character in Generation Kill)

4. Over the long weekend, we zoomed through season 2 of 30 Rock, and we are both SO, SO in love. I want to buy the DVDs, which is saying something considering I'm not a sitcom fan at all - but to me, this isn't really a sitcom, it's more like a short, funny drama, and thank goodness there's no horrid laugh track! The episodes are relentlessly intelligent, and funny, and so very pointed. I love the socio-political asides throughout, and I think Kenneth is my favorite character, followed by Jack (Alec Baldwin is marvelous). I'm looking forward to catching up on the current season now.

5. Pushing Daisies - This is a show I've wanted to watch from the beginning, but I never got around to it - I began watching this a couple weeks ago, and I am utterly charmed by this delightful, quirky, fantastical series! I've managed to get caught up through the latest episode of this season, and I'm very, very sorry that it's been canceled. I will miss every character, and every pie, and every zany adventure. However, I was just a teensy bit disappointed with a continuity point I noted in the most recent episode: In the teaser, we see young Ned bring the two pets back to life and keep them alive for his schoolmate. I thought it was made clear in the first episode that the only two things he had ever done that for - ever - were for his dog, and Chuck. That he'd never deliberately kept any other creatures alive beyond their one minute (accidentally, yes, but not deliberately). Did I miss something? Were they inconsistent about this before? It's a minor point, but it bothered me immediately.

Also, the thing with reviving fruit makes for picturesque television, but I'm not sure how that works, either. The berries, etc. become ripe and beautiful again, but the dead people he revives don't become youthful and beautiful again, they just become alive. Hmmm.

Still, I love this series to pieces!

the sarah connor chronicles, james bond, generation kill, film 2, film, tv, 30 rock

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