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Comments 31

paddyabroad November 28 2007, 20:42:01 UTC
... this is totally off topic... but I feel the need to thank you for all those articles you often post and link to, especially those JE related ones. Gave me a topic for our oh-so-open term paper and some sources as well, since hand in was today, I just remmebered thanking you might be appropriate m(_ _)m arigato~


winterspel November 28 2007, 20:45:07 UTC
You are SO welcome! :) I'm really happy to know that they helped you in any way. And if you find anything similar, please feel free to forward to me. :)

Best of luck on the paper!


paddyabroad November 28 2007, 20:51:16 UTC
It helped lots, and sadly anything else I had was in German so I guess forwarding would not be necessary? ^-^;;; Oh and then the Swedish TV report that was around a while ago XD. *hugs* thanks again, now it depends on my teacher and whether he is open-minded enough for... fanservice .... cultural differences... we'll see XD


meganbmoore November 28 2007, 20:45:30 UTC
I firmly believe that 65% of the reason g@me exists is to give me hot Fujiki Naohito kissing scenes. Because dramas don't love me that way.


winterspel November 28 2007, 20:48:37 UTC
I firmly believe that 65% of the reason g@me exists is to give me hot Fujiki Naohito kissing scenes.

*rubs hands together fiendishly* This I must see! :D Fujiki is a beautiful, beautiful man. :)


meganbmoore November 28 2007, 20:51:26 UTC
Yes, he is. His lack of leading roles is criminal.

I love g@me, even with its flaws, and he and Nakama Yukie have amazing chemistry.


ginzarhapsody November 28 2007, 21:23:41 UTC
And we continue on our streak of liking the same dramas *grin* because while it had a wobbly start, Yuukan Club was able to find its footing and I love it to bits and pieces. :D :D It's just SO MUCH FUN! I feel like I kind of need a really juicy!serious drama after this, but for now, I'm enjoying the silly!fun that Yuukan Club is dishing. :)


winterspel November 28 2007, 21:34:26 UTC
Yes, exactly! YC has sort of settled out into something that is just silly fun with endearing characters. It's crack but a totally different crack than HanaKimi, for ex. It lacks virtually any seriousness whatsoever, the plots are out of this world, and the acting is extremely "eh," but it makes me laugh on trains full of grumpy commuters, and that is a Big Deal in my book. :)

Do I have issues with it? You betcha (I'm sort of dreading this week's Mike He-does-Arab-prince nonsense), but I'm able to shrug it off - it doesn't take itself seriously, so I don't feel like I should bother either, so long as I'm having fun. :)

It helps so much else that I really enjoy all the characters and that I've come to care about them through the crack.


ginzarhapsody November 28 2007, 22:20:32 UTC
Do I have issues with it? You betcha (I'm sort of dreading this week's Mike He-does-Arab-prince nonsense)

Oh man. Don't even get me started on this. Wait 'til you watch it. I mean, it's still a funny episode but the way tht episode does foreigner stereotypes/image construction is one difficult pill to swallow. ;P But I think even THEY may have recognized that because of the wonderful thing that Jin busts out in the end that sort of makes it worth it. :D :D


pashoshi November 28 2007, 21:50:37 UTC
I'm surprised at how much Yuukan Club has grown on me, given how incredibly bored I was by the first episode. It's still not good, but it's fun, and that's enough for me.

Are there pictures out for Kame's drama already? I don't really keep up with the KAT-TUN comm, so I must have missed that. I'm looking forward to it, as potentially weird as it sounds.


winterspel November 28 2007, 22:03:38 UTC
It's still not good, but it's fun, and that's enough for me.

Haha, yes, that's my feeling - but I don't mind that's it's not good at all - I don't feel like I'm losing brain cells or anything like that because it makes me feel lighthearted. I don't underestimate the value of anything that makes me smile! :) Fun is just as necessary as intellectual stimulation - and I spend my whole day being intellectually stimulated, so YC is a giddy romp after that. :)

YES, there are pictures out for 1 Pound no Fukuin! And I'm SOOO looking forward to it. It's Kame, so I'm very much looking forward to him, and seeing what he does with something so different from his past work. I'm confident that he can do comedy more cleverly than some might think.

ETA: *facepalm* So many typos! That's what happens when I type too fast and am exhausted. sorry about that..


trance_angel November 28 2007, 22:51:25 UTC
I loved the finale of Hotaru no Hikari! I thought the whole picking on each other thing was really cute...just their own special way of expressing their affection towards one another.^^ (Now that I think of it, it's exactly what my bff and I do to each other all the time. =P..haha)

Yukan Club is growing on me. I feel that I should be more excited about it than I have been. Though I haven't been crazy-fangirling over many things lately, just a few. I'm not sure what's going on. *shrugs* I did enjoy the last two episodes (5&6), haven't seen the latest yet.

Calendars, I never really use them...at least the Johnny ones. I have my NEWS one sitting in the closet. D: I tend to like the wall calendars..I'll use them as a calendar for the year than turn them into posters. I ordered them for the pictures as well.

I always get that craving to rewatch Sapuri, should do that sometime. Ishida Yuya ♥


winterspel November 29 2007, 14:06:11 UTC
I am actually quite suprised that I like Yukan Club as much as I do! The start was okay, but after dismal reports on the second episode, it took me awhile to get around to it, and I decided to stop watching the raws. It was the right choice - I'm enjoying it so much more now, and marathoning a few eps in a row has definitely helped!

Re: calendars. The only one I own is the 2007 KAT-TUN calendar, and I'm glad I bought it because it's a beautiful photobook...and it sits on a bookshelf, rarely opened. ;) I think KAT-TUN is the only Johnnys group I love enough to buy a calendar...

Sapuri! It's really time to rewatch. I've started the manga, and it made me crave my beloved Ishida Yuya, and I suspect that I'm going to like Minami a lot better this time around.


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