Hotaru no Hikari, Yukan Club, KAT-TUN, Spooks, etc.

Nov 28, 2007 14:49

oo1. I finally got to see the finale of Hotaru no Hikari and it was lovely! The end made me very happy and there were even points in the episode where I had tears in my eyes. Definitely a good ending, and I love how everyone grew and changed. My only disappointment? I wanted them to kiss, damnit! And what was that with "I love you," and "I love you, too" and then he tells her that she should be prepared to help him when he gets a girlfriend! I know, it was just a joke, but still. I really love the way the two of them pick on each other - at first I didn't like how he treated her, until I realized that they both do it, and so then it's fine and very adorable.

oo2. Yukan Club! I finally got caught up on this through episode six, and I am astonished to say that I have really been enjoying the drama! To the point where I'm snagging the Love Song hardsubs as soon as they come out (I'm not enamored enough to watch the raws) and grinning quite a lot. Sure, it's flawed, but I love it in spite of its flaws - it has so much HEART, and I actually really like every single two-dimensional character. ;)

oo3. KAT-TUN & Kame

- I haven't received my cartoon KAT-TUN II You DVD yet. :( It's getting harder and harder to stay away from the rips. >.< I'm not sure if it will arrive before I leave for Italy, so I won't get to watch the DVD until January.

- I'm getting VERY excited for 1 Pound no Fukuin!!! The pictures are adorable, and the casting looks interesting. I can't wait to see what Kame does with this drama!

- And speaking of Kame dramas, I've been feeling like rewatching Sapuri and Tatta Hitotsu no Koi lately. And EEEE! Mognet finished hardsubbing Nobuta wo Produce! *cheer* I can now have lovely hardsubs for my iPod!

- KAT-TUN calendar! I wish it was something I could use, but I'll be thrilled if there are lots of photos.

oo4. The descent of Spooks into utter preposterousness doesn't even deserve this comment. I dread this week's episode. DREAD!

oo5. The Galileo OST is wonderful! Although I watched the first episode weeks ago, I've decided to save the rest for the flight to Italy, and I'm quite looking forward to it. The soundtrack will tide me over until then.

oo6. I feel certain there was supposed to be a six and probably a seven, too, but I'm too braindead to remember. Ah, well.

bbc, fujiki naohito, akanishi jin, spooks, kat-tun, jdorama: hotaru no hikari, je 2, jdorama: 1 pound no fukuin, jdorama: galileo, kamenashi kazuya 2, ayase haruka, jdorama: yukan club

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