Very quickly [updated twice]

Jun 11, 2007 13:02

ETA: It's finally live! YAY! linaerys's dad made this hilarious Ugly Doll cartoon. Click here!
    • Happy Birthday to bunnysquirrel!

    • Life has been so busy and exhausting and extremely fun and also very sad (2 farewells in one day, for example) lately that I haven't had time to really do anything online, much less keep up with LJ. I promise to catch up on comments this week ( Read more... )

rant, life, kat-tun, lj, birthday, being stupid, cartoon kat-tun, blog aggregators, je 2

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Comments 25

semm June 11 2007, 18:04:52 UTC
just to make sure: did you receive my mail? :)

Jin is so much more flexible than I ever imagined
that and he appeared to be even more flexible than Kame :D

I haven't seen a single dorama in well over a week, so I'm very behind on everything
makes me feel even more miserable)

about that LJ thing. As soon as i realised that i had more or less the same problem - i made LJ semi-friends only. I'd love to share my thoughts and/or other things, but as a result i'm the one fool here.



winterspel June 11 2007, 18:16:02 UTC
Oh, yes, honey. I did see your email late last night, but I was too exhausted to do more than read it. I have a question for you, actually, so I'll send a reply as soon as I can.

Re: cKT - Yes - I was surprised that Jin beat Kame, too! :D

about that LJ thing. As soon as i realised that i had more or less the same problem - i made LJ semi-friends only. My LJ is increasingly edging toward the 80% locked point. I really, really hate to do that - there's nothing exclusive about what I post, but it's just that these aggregators strip away everything except the words and they hotlink my images, and that makes me angry and uncomfortable! The people who read my posts through those sites have no interest in the social aspects of LJ, and honestly, that's a huge part of why I'm here - I'm not a comment whore at all, as you know, but often, the comments are more interesting than my posts. I really like to talk to with you guys (even if I'm late with replying to comments), and I get so much out of our mutual conversations. Argh! I hate to be ( ... )


semm June 11 2007, 18:36:45 UTC
oh, take your time to reply. I was just a bit worried, that's all :)

Re: cKT somehow...i'm glad it was Jin who won *giggles*

Can't agree more. Yes, i like to read comments, other LJs, i really enjoy it. And that's the part of why i like LJ as much as i do, and why i'm still here. It's simply my second-home-place.

Honey you don't have to apologize. Besides it's only natural to react like this. This is not the situation where you can ignore things and simply move on. As much as i remember this is not the first time, which makes things even more unpleasant.


bunnysquirrel June 11 2007, 18:08:37 UTC

*hugs* :)


winterspel June 11 2007, 18:16:52 UTC
You're welcome! *hugs* I hope you're having a very lovely day. :)


wordshapes June 11 2007, 18:08:43 UTC
Awwww! *hugs you* You shouldn't have to feel that way about posting your content at all! You should have control over what's on your blog! If they want your material, they should link to it, not just grab and run. That's so awful!


winterspel June 11 2007, 18:22:57 UTC
Thank you, dear girl. *gnashes teeth* it's stupid to get upset about it, but I can't help it. It's just infuriating to find my content in a generic white page WITH EFFING ADVERTISEMENTS EVERYWHERE - and all my images hotlinked! I can tolerate the linking to a certain extent, but when they just dump the whole thing into their interface, it makes me want to scream.


wordshapes June 11 2007, 18:25:20 UTC
That is just not right. *smacks them for you* If you decide to go all-private, it would serve them right!!


starinity June 11 2007, 18:21:39 UTC
that episode of Cartoon KAT-TUN can cheer any sad soul up! the boys are soooo cute, especially baka!Jin with his ever so dorky!cute smile <333 . i never knew he was THIS flexible ^^

i am soooo slow on things, i have no exact idea about those blog aggregators :S


winterspel June 11 2007, 19:15:04 UTC
that episode of Cartoon KAT-TUN can cheer any sad soul up!

Absolutely! :)

i am soooo slow on things, i have no exact idea about those blog aggregators :S

Basically they are websites that make the "blogverse" somewhat searchable if you are a reader who wants to see what people are saying out here. My LJ has always been set to minimize inclusion in any of these sites, or via any search engine, but unfortunately some of the sites ignore that setting, and furthermore, sometimes it's readers who ask for certain reading content, and that's how special pages get set up that follow certain blogs. I don't like any of it, but I particularly hate when they copy/paste my content into their websites with all their ads and none of the personality of livejournal.


kiaforrest June 11 2007, 19:24:18 UTC
me bad I read bloglines at work. You are on my list. The sterility means it loads quick and I can flip between it and other things when I'm on hold. At home, when dial up is crawling, I do the same thing. I'll remove your LJ from my bloglines when I get home. I'm sorry it hurts you! ::head desk::


winterspel June 11 2007, 19:36:46 UTC
*hugs you* Kia, you know I don't mean you, but unfortunately I'm sure that having me on your list exacerbates the problem, because I'm pretty sure someone has to tell bloglines to look for my content - although based on the content that I see continually come up, I'm sure that you are not the primary content requester. Have you tried using ?format=light on LJ pages? I think it loads pretty quick and it's the most generic format of LJ that you can view (better than ?format=mine because it basically is a "no layout" view)

I can see how an aggregator would make things easier for you - I do understand! I care for you very much, and I actually have conversations with you, so you're not some anonymous reader leeching the dubious products of my brain....

It's the strangers who reads me this way, and all the advertisements some of the aggregators slap around my pasted content that upset me.


kiaforrest June 12 2007, 14:21:00 UTC
uh, ::egg on face:: I didn't/ don't have you on the bloglines - I know you lock a great deal so guess I didn't put it there. But, your food for thot, I made sure it was communities and Not folks' LJs on my feed list. I used MYLJ - basic boring quick load until it kept being Unavailable - then I went to bloglines. live and learn


winterspel June 12 2007, 14:45:36 UTC
Kia! *hugs you so more* I felt really bad about making you feel bad, especially when your use of bloglines was so darned innocent and makes so much sense! So even if you didn't actually read me through bloglines, as you've discovered, last night I thought a lot about alternatives for quick LJ viewing for you, and I did some digging around and found 2 solutions for a stripped-down no frills LJ view. I think the first is the better option because it's quickest to load.

First there is the mobile friends view which is designed especially for people reading on the cell phones, but I check it and it seems to load fast, and all the page views are in the ?format=light view which means no layout, just clean text.

The other option, which doesn't load nearly as fast, in my opinion, is to tag my LJ - you'll get email notifications for my posts, but then you can read them in a text-only interface in the LJ message center. I find it fairly cumbersome though because it's not fast at all, especially when there are image-heavy posts in the queue, so ( ... )


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