Very quickly [updated twice]

Jun 11, 2007 13:02

ETA: It's finally live! YAY! linaerys's dad made this hilarious Ugly Doll cartoon. Click here!
    • Happy Birthday to bunnysquirrel!

    • Life has been so busy and exhausting and extremely fun and also very sad (2 farewells in one day, for example) lately that I haven't had time to really do anything online, much less keep up with LJ. I promise to catch up on comments this week as soon as I can!

    • That being said, I finally DID manage to watch last week's cartoon KAT-TUN, and even small and unsubbed on my iPod screen it was hilarious and wonderful and Jin is so much more flexible than I ever imagined. This one I could rewatch many times (and I plan to) - I doubt I'll get tired of their antics. :)

    • I haven't seen a single dorama in well over a week, so I'm very behind on everything.

    • It was such a pretty morning - just the right kind of coolness that was refreshing and lovely on my morning walk, and everything felt very fresh and pleasant. I hope it is lovely wherever you are, too! :)

    • My dislike for blog aggregators grows at a phenomenal pace. I really don't want to have a "friends-only" locked LJ. I never did. But the more I find sites that don't just link to my LJ but they put my LJ content into their site interface (which strips it of all layout individuality plus all the comments/conversation that are a huge part of what makes LJ so special to me), the more I want to f-lock every damn post I write. Perhaps no one has noticed, but fewer and fewer of my posts are public - which is a direct result of how these aggregators pick up posts. If you read this through Technorati or Bloglines, or whatever stupid aggregator of your choice, keep in mind that if my posts ever stop appearing, it could very well have something to do with you and the antiseptic, soulless sites through which you view this LJ. And I don't care if that sounds irrational or mean - sometimes I can be both of those things, and definitely I am in regards to aggregators. And in case anyone plans to point out to me the risks of posting on the internet...::sigh:: believe me, I know. I have no illusions. Doesn't mean that I have to like it, though.

      I love meeting new people (one never knows when a kindred spirit will come along!) - I am richer for it, and that's why I continue to post publicly, even if on an increasingly more limited basis.

      There is no need to comment on this - I just needed to vent on something I can't do anything about except f-lock, and I do know this rant is illogical and pointless.

      ETA: One last thing I want to point out that I didn't state in my rant - one of the big reasons why these blog aggregators piss me off is because they are commercial sites and when they paste my content into their interface, there are usually advertisements all over the page. I pay for LJ, I never see ads here and neither will any one else who views my LJ - it disgusts me to see my content being used to earn OTHER people money with whom I have NO affiliation.

rant, life, kat-tun, lj, birthday, being stupid, cartoon kat-tun, blog aggregators, je 2

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