Liar game, episode 4

May 08, 2007 21:44

I loved episode 4 of Liar Game - even though it was, again, a lot of reaction shots and explanation, this week it really worked. Matsuda Shota really had the chance to shine in the episode. ( spoilers )

picspam: liar game, jdorama: liar game, matsuda shota, toda erika, picspam

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Comments 21

aiharu May 9 2007, 02:10:12 UTC
I wonder what the function of the bare chested scene is? I kinda thought that he slept with #15... I must say, the food looks yummy:)


winterspel May 9 2007, 19:06:17 UTC
I'm innocent so I just thought it was a gratuitous way of indicating that he had been sleeping. :) I doubt he'd sleep with #15 just because he seems far too focused on getting through the game to monkey around with anyone...I figured that he was waiting to talk to her to confirm his suspicions as to X's strategy.

And yes! The food looks fantastic.


dangermousie May 9 2007, 02:19:52 UTC
I was sort of making funny noises at some of these caps.

I haven't seen this yet (I haven't finished ep 2, I am so behind on all the running dramas, even ProDai which is my fave) but this is a huge motivator. :)


winterspel May 9 2007, 19:10:43 UTC
I was sort of making funny noises at some of these caps.

*laugh* I hope you like it when you do catch up.


meganbmoore May 9 2007, 02:23:53 UTC
*sobs* My download DIED 15 or so minutes into the didn't join properly or something. It was in the middle of X's rant.

Yeah, I figured out who X really was in ep 3 myself...figured Akiyama was suspected him, hence his worrying aboutthings going wrong.

As far as her ever getting clever...hmm...on the one hand, yeah, he likes her innocence, on the other, i think he might be happy if he didn't have to worry about her 24/7

*may or may not have capped a certain scene 60 or so times*


winterspel May 9 2007, 19:12:15 UTC
Oh noes! I hope you've had a chance to re-dl and watch the episode in full by now..

As far as her ever getting clever...hmm...on the one hand, yeah, he likes her innocence, on the other, i think he might be happy if he didn't have to worry about her 24/7

You definitely have a point! She's so sweet but the appeal of dumb!innocence would likely wear off after a while anyway...


meganbmoore May 9 2007, 19:44:42 UTC
hardsubs are posted and they are DLed and ready to go after this ep of liao zhai.

he tends to look at her with a mixture of "i want to take care of her" and "how did she live this long?" i figure he'll be happy if she can at least be a BIT self-sufficient. otoh, i don't think he MIND taking care of her at this point, just would rather it not be QUITE so necessary.


thoughtsofadrop May 9 2007, 03:11:49 UTC
The S-M conversation was awesome XD Toda Erika got the look down pat - I could really believe that she didn't know! And Matsuda's expression was priceless~ IMO HYD didn't work for him, but he really shines here ♥

This episode has got to be my favourite so far :D I was making small sounds throughout (like when Akiyama tucked his hair behind his ear....when he stood up to face X and he looked soooo good against the light... *coughs*)


winterspel May 9 2007, 19:14:05 UTC
Yes! Yes, to everything! This was definitely my favorite episode, too, and not just because of Shirtless Akiyama - I just loved how he waited patiently all through X's mad rant and then calmly revealed his strategy. I loved him so much for being such an icy cool swinder. *grin*

And Matsuda was definitely photographed beautifully in this ep.


darkeyedwolf May 9 2007, 03:22:03 UTC
........... *_____________*

Now, if only David Tennant would take off the suit, my TV experience would be complete.


winterspel May 9 2007, 19:21:02 UTC
Now, if only David Tennant would take off the suit, my TV experience would be complete.

Hmmm...tries to remember if I've seen any other Tennant performances where he disrobes...(I haven't finished Blackpool yet, so I'm not sure about that one).

Glad you like the caps, dear. :)


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