Liar game, episode 4

May 08, 2007 21:44

I loved episode 4 of Liar Game - even though it was, again, a lot of reaction shots and explanation, this week it really worked. Matsuda Shota really had the chance to shine in the episode. I guessed who X was, and that he was working against them in episode 3, although I didn't guess the complexity of his plan to defeat Akiyama's plan - but I knew that Akiyama had something up his sleeve, and I was sure that he suspected that guy of betrayal. I LOVE the end of the episode. Toda Erika didn't have much to do this time, but that's okay. She looked pretty, and there was that awesome little S and M conversation - Akiyama's expressions during it were hilarious, and especially, "I don't think you should say that out loud" (paraphrased) - Heee~ Too funny. I also love how he called her a special case later on. I wonder what he will think when she finally gets smart enough to think of something for herself that is truly devious - will he like her more or less? Because I do think there is a part of him that not just feels sorry for her, but is deeply attracted to her innocence.

It was a very pretty episode, so I just HAD to screencap. Really. ;P

picspam: liar game, jdorama: liar game, matsuda shota, toda erika, picspam

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