LJ Tags (if you have ever used mine, please read) [UDPATED]

Dec 15, 2006 06:13

So in addition to f-locking more posts, there is another change that has been happening slowly over the last few weeks. ( boring housekeeping post, but if you use my tags you should probably read )

lj, indices, lj tags

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Comments 8

alexandral December 15 2006, 12:37:37 UTC
I have just remembered that I forgot to comment in your other post! Please add me to JE filter, and any others too!


winterspel December 15 2006, 14:55:13 UTC
Done! I don't think it will be of much interest, though, because I don't often use the filter and usually it's only to talk about fanfic. General JE posts that I don't feel like sharing with the universe at large or with those stupid blog aggregators will remain under the general f-lock.


marinamirabella December 15 2006, 18:01:26 UTC
*stupid LJ had eated my comment, so I'm posting again* If I would have so many posts, I would name tags with the date to stay in 100 posts range. For example, 'Kamenashi Kazuya 200601-06' would be for posts about Kame for the first half of this year etc.

By the way, I don't quite get how should this work if yo would like to divide one tag in two? Do you need to go through all of your old posts and re-tag them with new tags?


winterspel December 15 2006, 18:08:48 UTC
Ooooh, now that's a very interesting idea!! To tag by the year or a date indicator. I could definitely try that - but I might have to be a bit more creative, since I only started posting about JE & Kame in June of this year so in less than six months I've gone waaaay over the 100 posts thing. (I CAN'T BELIEVE I POSTED THAT MUCH, good grief)

And yes, in order to divide a tag with a numeric or other indicator, I have to go back and manually change these. If I want to change ALL of a certain tag to something different, I can do that from the Tag Management Page, but in this case, I don't want to change ALL of them, only some of them.


marinamirabella December 15 2006, 18:30:11 UTC
Whaaa, that's a lot of work then, even if you don't want change all of the tags... Good luck then, ne~


takagi December 15 2006, 22:14:07 UTC
perhaps you could organise them via topic-specific... e.g. kame - tattakoi, kame - sapuri, kame others, etc.

but my own tags are in a mess too..


winterspel December 15 2006, 22:19:54 UTC
I'm trying to do something along those lines by creating the kame index - within the index are all the topics that I know include him, and they are broken out by drama, etc. It's incredibly daunting to think about going back and adding in to an already crowded tag line specific tags for kame like that (although I have with a couple things). But thank you very much for the suggestion - if I can utilize it, I will! :)


koalathebear December 16 2006, 03:30:12 UTC
God you're so organised. I do use your tags because you're so organised with them. With mine, I have a dozen or maybe two dozen basic tags that I do use 'properly' so I have those identified, the rest of the time I'm just stupid and use my tags as case notes or indicators of what's inside the post. It's too late now to try to fix it :D The damage is done.


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