LJ Tags (if you have ever used mine, please read) [UDPATED]

Dec 15, 2006 06:13

So in addition to f-locking more posts, there is another change that has been happening slowly over the last few weeks.

I'm revamping my tags.

I'm pretty organized, sadly only in LJ, so I've tried to keep my tags in good order. However, one thing that I've realized recently is that when you click on a tag, LJ only displays the most recent 100 posts containing that tag. For a few of my tags, notably "life," "je," and "kamenashi kazuya" I have definitely gone beyond the 100 post mark, so posts earliler than that would not display when searching through tags. My solution? I'm trying a few different things: I'm adding a number suffix to the end of a general tag like "je" or "kamenashi kazuya" and I've built separate indices for large topics like "je."

Have no idea what I'm talking about? When you click on winterspel, there is a sticky post at the top which is my ever-evolving " welcome & index post." At the bottom is the index and most of it relies on tags, but as I mentioned to some of you a few weeks ago, I'd built a separate index for JE since as a topic for me it has been spiralling out of control and I wanted to be able to find thing easier myself. Similarly, I'm trying to do the same thing for "kamenashi kazuya" tagged posts. There is now a "kamenashi kazuya 2" tag and with all things I'm trying to find the best, most specific way of finding posts without having to scan through my entire tag page.

I'm mostly doing this for myself because I hate it when I can't find things. *shrug* However, I know that many people who visit my LJ either as visitors or those on my friend list use the tags and they are useful for finding things like articles or picspams or translation requests, etc.

I guess the point of this post is to say: My tags are currently in a state of flux You are better off using the indices in the welcome & index post right now rather than relying on general tags like "je" or "kamenashi kazuya" to find anything. I still have no idea what I'm going to do about the life tag.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to organize the tags more effectively, or on something I can do to make the indices more useful and/or effective, I'm open to new ideas! I build these things for myself, but since I'm not the only one who uses them, I want to make them useful for you, too! :)

UDPATED: Since I have exceeded LJ's limits for tags, I no longer tag my posts in detail; I do tag everything with at least a general tag like "life" or "film" or "tv" but since the process to add new tags is so cumbersome (I have to go into my tags, rename an old, little-used tag if I want to create a new one; because I've exceeded the limits, LJ will not permit me to create truly new ones, so I can only rename old ones), my tags are likely not as useful as they once were. One thing I do try to do is include subject-specific posts in relevant specific indices (for example, picspams are indexed individually in the picspam index, films in the film index, etc.). I may not update these frequently, but I DO update them eventually. If you're looking for something in particular, you can always just drop me a line and ask. I will most certainly be happy to help.

lj, indices, lj tags

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