(no subject)

Dec 14, 2006 06:42

Perhaps it is because both N and I are very sick right now and I am wheezing like crazy and coughing and having trouble breathing, but reading koalathebear's recent post about being sick in China really touched me. I think she describes very well the difficulties of being in a foreign country without the proficiency that may be expected in a language that is not your own. I've only been sick twice in foreign countries and both times I had people to look after me. Considering how miserable and helpless I get when I am sick, I cannot imagine being sick in a foreign country and having to struggle with language when I'm already struggling to breathe. The struggling to breathe part sort of takes over everything, after all.

In any case, here is her eloquent post. ETA: Sorry, that post is f-locked now. Things changed for Koala too, sadly for reasons similar to mine. (see below)


Just in case anyone was wondering, although I'm sure no one cares at all...I'm locking more posts now, and will continue to because someone picked up my LJ at one blog aggregator (and lord knows where else) and there are even direct links to my LJ now, which doesn't make me very happy. While I have no intention to go completely FO at this point, I will add anyone who wants to be added, and let me know if you want to go on the JE filter. If you've added me and I haven't added you back yet, just comment to let me know if you want to be added (because some people don't care). Apologies for having to do this at all, but things change and I want to feel comfortable chatting in my own LJ.

lj, je 2, language

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