'Tatta Hitotsu no Koi' Episode 3 and other media update

Oct 30, 2006 12:52

Tatta Hitotsu no Koi: Episode 3I watched this uber-early Sunday morning, and then again with subs later yesterday - and somehow, through an act of will I have still avoided reading anyone's squee. I will go off to read as soon as I finish writing this - I knew that if I read anyone else's posts, I wouldn't want to write my own review anymore ( Read more... )

picspam: kame, dorama, je, jdorama: tatta hitotsu no koi picspam, affection on screen, kat-tun, torchwood, picspam, bsg, kamenashi kazuya 2, utawara, tv, ayase haruka, jdorama: tatta hitotsu no koi, tanaka koki

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Comments 56

takagi October 30 2006, 18:05:52 UTC
yeay you updated about hitokoi! *gives you halloween sweets* I love love love episode 3. The first 0.5sec peck is so adorable and nao's annoyed/confused look is amusing XD

And yet, it ends so ominously, with Hiroto's voicover stating that it was "the beginning of [their] tragedy."
:( I teared abit at this. It's like a forewarning of what's gonna come in the future episodes eh? the complications will be in soon... *cries*


winterspel October 30 2006, 18:21:42 UTC
*accepts halloween sweets gratefully*


I absolutely love that Nao calls him on the kiss and scolds him into doing it properly. Too cute.

And yeah, bad stuff is coming down really soon, as in NEXT episode. Those previews were scary, and I couldn't understand a lick of dialogue!


takagi October 31 2006, 02:55:29 UTC
:) just a summary of the preview dialogues...

nao: "you've a girlfriend?".
(the ex-girlfriend hugging hiroto scene) ex: "are you here to tell me that you still love me?"
(nao crying scene) nao: "i hope you'll always have happiness with her"
koki: "i like you not just because you look cute"
hiroto's mum: "stop seeing him..."
hiroto to nao: "you're healthy, what do you know about that?!" (i presume he's talking about his younger brother)

... you get the gist of what's gonna come in the next ep eh. *cries*


thoraarwin October 30 2006, 18:35:08 UTC
I loved this episode- but I'm really dreading what's going to come:-( If it weren't for Kame, I wouldn't be watching, lol! It really is going to end badly... but before that, there will be much angst, and pain, and- *doesn't want to think about it* :-( Hiroto deserves some happiness in his life- I think I'll have to find/write fanfic to make it better in the end:-))

Gorgeous pic-spam, btw! And your "*only* 58 images" just made me laugh;-)


winterspel October 30 2006, 18:42:23 UTC
*hugs Hiroto* Poor guy...this one is going to hurt so bad. But you know, I would watch it anyway, pain and all. I just want my dramas to be good whatever their genre. If they make me feel something, that's the best part. I love it when something is so good and emotional that it breaks my heart and makes me cry. I'm so jaded that I really do crave that emotional high, even if it's over a tragedy.

Glad you like the caps!

And your "*only* 58 images" just made me laugh;-)

You've seen my other picspams, right? For Sapuri? Normally an episode picspam is more than 150 and usually more than 200. So yeah...58 is positively teeny in comparison! *grin*


thoraarwin October 30 2006, 18:56:19 UTC
usually more than 200
Omg.*is speechless* Craaaazy. In a good way;-) Must check it out..ehm.

Oh, I know what you mean about craving emotional highs- but please can it have a good ending afterwards? Lol! I'm kinda new to all these k-dramas and j-dramas, so I'm not really used to anything ending badly.*sigh* So far I've only seen Full House (happy ending!) and then the first half of Sang Doo (which I haven't finished yet, so I can't say anything about the ending- but I'm hoping (naively?) that it's a happy one:-) and then Sapuri (again, happy), Nobuta (again, hoping for a good ending!!!) and now this. It's going to break my heart- I so wasn't prepared for tragedy...:-( And I didn't know it was fairly common for doramas to end like that, either- which again brings me to fanfic, and making it better afterwards, lol! Is there dorama fanfic around??


nyagcpinkuneko October 30 2006, 18:39:50 UTC
You know . . . this episode restored my faith in Kame's acting. I've been so tired of watching new versions of Shuuji, and even though Hiroto is just Shuuji v. 3.0 (like his character from Sapuri was Shuuji v. 2.0), I think Kame really stepped out of his comfort zone on this episode and tried some different expressions and reactions.

And I said to my friends, and I'll say it to you, that make-up is doing awful things to his skin, but stress probably isn't helping either.

You know, the first episode of this series wasn't so great, but the second one was a little better and I think the show has finally hit it's stride with this episode. Yay! And thank God for a female character who has the balls to make the first move and not hide her feelings! I thought that was nearly unheard of in a J-dorama, haha. And I loved her line about the kiss, I'm glad she picked on him about that. There was so much squealage during that part.

I really wish this wasn't going to be a "tragedy" though . . . *sigh*


ginzarhapsody October 30 2006, 19:29:51 UTC
You know . . . this episode restored my faith in Kame's acting. I've been so tired of watching new versions of Shuuji, and even though Hiroto is just Shuuji v. 3.0 (like his character from Sapuri was Shuuji v. 2.0)...

I'm curious as to in what way you see Yuuya from Sapuri as Shuuji 2.0 and Hiroto as Shuuji 3.0, because I don't see it. There are slight shades of Shuuji in both characters perhaps, but I wouldn't say there is enough of Shuuji in either to qualify them as an upgrade.


nyagcpinkuneko October 30 2006, 20:16:27 UTC
Well, for me all the characters are alike enough for me to look at them and go "Kame's basically playing the same character again" but I don't really blame that so much on the writer as I do on the actor. It's nothing against Kame, and I'll watch whatever he does because I love him, but his acting range isn't very broad. He's a lot like Yamapi, who always plays the same tough, cool character. There may be slightly different shadings to that character, but in essence, it's the same.

I'm just looking forward to seeing Kame playing a completely different character, like Yamapi's Akira is so different from all of his other characters.


winterspel October 30 2006, 20:29:28 UTC
I'm afraid I have to disagree with you on this one due to the criteria you chose to liken Kame's last few roles: "tough, cool." I agree that there are shades of both Ryu and Shuji in Hiroto and that these three characters have more in common than not. However...Ishida Yuya was anything but tough and cool. He wore his heart on his sleeve. He was bouncy and bubbly and high on life. He was also very emotional, nurturing, affectionate and open (without hiding it as Shuji did, or the way Hiroto is only this way with his little brother) - a HUGE difference from all three of the other characters. When he was hurt, he had trouble hiding it and while he sometimes tried to play off his disappointments, it was still written all over his face.

... )


catdecember October 30 2006, 18:50:06 UTC
*squeees in delight over THnK*

oh i love this series, it continues to own me.

i also failed in sleeping, 3am today! arghh... courtesy of Jin as well *grin* :P


winterspel October 30 2006, 20:46:30 UTC
Ah, Jin. He may be gone, but golly, he still haunts us! :) Causing fangirls to lose sleep on school nights. Ahem. ;)


catdecember October 30 2006, 20:53:36 UTC
and i should be over this you know, coz hello, it just gets into me that if he gets based in california, the chance of seeing him may not be easy but then again, i have a knack for running into people and finding out some sort of six degrees of seperation with them. *lol*

i was just telling marszz that i'm sure if i'd put effort on this, i'll see him. and that scares me, LOL.


ginzarhapsody October 30 2006, 19:27:44 UTC
I could speak to why suicide is so prevalent in Japan, but I don't want to do a bunch of speculation and be wishy-washy about it, so I'll simply say that it's just a societal thing and about not "fitting" properly into the structure of things.

And like everyone else, I loved the dogeza scene with the client. Kame earned shiny stars for that scene right there. ^_^


winterspel October 30 2006, 20:53:05 UTC
Kame does such a good job there with showing all those varied emotions traveling across his face all at the same time...

What I also loved, though, was how abashed the new owner looked.

(Your explanation about suicide is what I thought, but still. Gods. It's still so depressing.)


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