'Tatta Hitotsu no Koi' Episode 3 and other media update

Oct 30, 2006 12:52

Tatta Hitotsu no Koi: Episode 3
I watched this uber-early Sunday morning, and then again with subs later yesterday - and somehow, through an act of will I have still avoided reading anyone's squee. I will go off to read as soon as I finish writing this - I knew that if I read anyone else's posts, I wouldn't want to write my own review anymore.

How could I not love this episode? When friends conspire, Hiroto and Nao have NO CHANCE against their fiendish machinations! *grin*

It was so cute how Yuuko went to Ayuta and Kou and enlisted their aid in getting Nao and Hiroto together. But before I go into that I have to mention the truly painful scene between Hiroto and his client for whom the company did engine repair work. It was beyond awful that he was asked to kneel and beg for the company to retain them...and to watch Hiroto, was so painful. You can see so many things go across his face: pain and anger and determination and despair. He had to stand there and listen to his father being insulted (we now know he committed suicide - what is with suicide in Japan??? OMG, it's so depressing that there is so much suicide in fiction, and if I recall correctly, in reality as well) and THEN, just when you think Hiroto is going to deck this guy into yesterday, he swallows everything and he kneels and bows and begs. *is dead* Hiroto is such a lost soul, I swear. I don't know how he does that, I just don't. If that isn't a heroically strong person, I don't know what is!

But then after this horrible experience, he comes home to find Nao with Ren and that just lands a whole new stress on his head. (as an aside, the whole scene between Nao and Ren is really sweet and Ren is a doll for eating what obviously was bad-tasting food that Nao made for him, and also Ren now knows that Nao was once sick and had to be in a special school for children just like he is) Obviously, Hiroto doesn't know what to do with her or how to act, and he doesn't have the strength for anything anymore, so he is rude to her, and she runs off until Ren scolds him and he goes after to her to thank her for looking after Ren. Poor guy, though - he just can't see any way to be with her, so he pushes her away - but even still, at the end, he feels sorry for her, and so he tells her he will call her.

But he doesn't, and she waits for him to call until she decides (again) that he is a liar. But then Hiroto gets the good news that the company he begged to retain them has decided to do so and in fact will give them more work! That's the first time I think we've seen Hiroto that excited and happy! He calls Nao that night and she can tell that he's happy. Ah, Hiroto, Nao feels you! :) But the conversation ends with her confession and he turns her down in confusion, because he really can't imagine dating someone like her with her background. Poor thing, Nao hangs up crying and I love Hiroto talking to himself in his empty bedroom - he's so bewildered.

Hiroto's reaction to the plot that Yuuko hatches with Kou & Ayuta is hilarious as well as deliciously tense. I laughed when he almost threw Kou's mobile into the water and then later, as he's so preoccupied with the idea that his friend is going to have a date and possibly spend a night in a hotel with Nao, that he does dangerous things at work and leaves the water running in the tap. Is it just me, or did he look totally drop dead gorgeous as he ran into the hotel and spun around. His eyes were so beautiful to me in their frantic scanning of the place - until he spots Nao and he makes a beeline for her. I swear, my stomach just kerflopped at the way he goes right for her (and even Nao takes a step back from his intensity as he approaches her), grabs her hand and pulls her aside. His whole spiel about Ayuta's competitiveness is hilarious - but also really heartbreaking, because he is just so far gone, and he doesn't know what he's saying, so he says anything, something, to make sense of it in his own head, because he can't stand the idea of Nao with anyone else. His desperation is really touching and also heartbreaking. I love how his face changes when he realizes that they have both been duped...again. Ah, Kame, how do you keep doing this? Pulling off these scenes of such high emotion (especially when you get one hour of sleep a night)?

The dinner scene was very cute, but mostly, it just made me hungry. That feast was to die for! I WANT. Mmmmm. Of course the end of the episode where Hiroto finally confesses to Nao - he watches her crossing the street and walking out of his life and you can that he feels like some light is going out - so he calls to her to wait and it's ripped out of him. He can't control it. His confession is just guuuuh - so helpless - we can see that he has no comprehension how any of this actually happened, and yet he's there, in an impossible situation that he can't really see through, but knowing that she cares for him just - well, he spills it. And it's beautiful. I LOVE NAO - I love her so much for just hugging him so unabashedly. Poor Hiroto needs that so badly - someone to just give him that openly so much affection. I also love what she says to him after he says "I have no money..." - she says that she knows, and doesn't care that he has no college education - but so long as "Hiroto is Hiroto" that is enough for her. Awwwww! She's also so cute as she scolds him for the peck he gives (she says something like if you're going to kiss, do it properly) - and then we have the big romantic conclusion against the background of the Ferris wheel.

And yet, it ends so ominously, with Hiroto's voicover stating that it was "the beginning of [their] tragedy."

Kame is really amazing so far - I am constantly amazed at what's he's putting into Hiroto and I especially loved the scene with his company's client. Just imagine how much more awesome he would be if he slept more! :)

I almost didn't do a picspam this week. I just didn't feel like it, but finally, inspiration did strike. It's rather small though, this week, only 58 images.

This post is courtesy of the fact that I woke up at 3:30 this morning, and couldn't go back to sleep for various reasons (Thanks, Akanishi Jin). So much for that extra hour of sleep I was supposed to get! So...I also watched last night's Torchwood and good gods, the firing range scene was SO HOT! The scene was just DRIPPING with UST. Holy frak. *fans self* It was also a really emotional episode in many ways. I watched yesterday's Utawara which was Akanishi Jin's last episode until he comes back from his hiatus. HE IS SUCH A HUGE DORK. The whole thing was rather hilarious, although I'd like to watch Junno & Ueda's segment again more carefully. LOVED Kame's outfit, not sure why. And also, I should mention that I watched Friday night's Battlestar Galactica and um, no thanks. That was an episode I NEVER want to see again.

And finally, I REALLY need to say this: to all my dear friends who are going through some very hard times right now...you have all my love and *hugs* and whatever else I can possibly do for you.

picspam: kame, dorama, je, jdorama: tatta hitotsu no koi picspam, affection on screen, kat-tun, torchwood, picspam, bsg, kamenashi kazuya 2, utawara, tv, ayase haruka, jdorama: tatta hitotsu no koi, tanaka koki

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