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Comments 37

forochel August 8 2006, 14:49:28 UTC
YAYY KIISSUUUUUUU~ *looking so foreward to next episode* And I haven't even watched this one yet. ^_____^"


winterspel August 8 2006, 15:25:55 UTC
I hate to jump the gun - I really, really hope that the kiss actually happens! That's my biggest fear, is that they tease us like this so cruelly and then they don't pull the trigger.



altiui August 8 2006, 15:46:03 UTC
Nice wordplay. Junno would be proud of you. XDD

I'm sorry for just jumping into this conversation but I agree with you. From the previews to Episode 4, I also thought a kiss would happen between Yuya and Watanabe but as it turned out they just kept staring at each other. *LOL*

What if she cries because Yuya avoids the kiss at the last minute? The previews aren't necessarily chronological. XD

Oh but I want to see those lips in action.


winterspel August 8 2006, 16:02:32 UTC
I'm sorry for just jumping into this conversation

Why sorry? :) There are no formalities around her. Jump in where you like. So long as everyone is nice to each other, I certainly don't mind if you pop in.

What if she cries because Yuya avoids the kiss at the last minute? The previews aren't necessarily chronological. XD

I was thinking the exact same thing, and that is my great fear! *gnashes teeth* If they do that, I won't forgive them, but I can totally see that happening. Yuya saves his lips for Minami and I fly into a rage. :D


kuro_no_diablo August 8 2006, 14:58:18 UTC
XDD Can I totally admit to being a bit fangirlish about the preview? The "normal" part of me says to let it go, but the fangirl in me kinda wishes that it was somebody ... more perfect. ^^;; It just seems like Watanabe is a bit scary.. XD; Yosh, I look forward to episode 6 too <3

Thank you again for sharing your screencaps and your thoughts. :3


winterspel August 8 2006, 15:34:35 UTC
Well, I'm not a fan of Watanabe, but it's not because of her looks or anything (I actually think she's very pretty and when she smiles she looks very sweet. She should smile more often.). I just haven't trusted her from the beginning - it seemed like she was doing things just to cause trouble, and she doesn't seem like a warm and compassionate person (which Yuya, for all his youth, is).

However, I don't care, so long as they kiss! Kame needs some lip-action! And not that pale thing that masqueraded as a kiss in Anego. I know, I should never expect too much from jdoramas when it comes to the kissage, but, still, I can't help wanting just a leeeetle bit more.

I'm glad you like the posts! I always have fun putting these together. :)


kuro_no_diablo August 8 2006, 16:08:47 UTC
Yeah XD That's kinda how I feel about Watanabe too, because every time there's a scene in the office, she's always got this.. scheming look on her face. -_-;

And I haven't seen Anego, so as far as I know this could be Kame's first on-screen kissu? XDD I want it to be perfect XDDDD (the word perfect being undefined atm)


winterspel August 8 2006, 16:13:16 UTC
Anego was Jin's last dorama, and the kiss was one of those "lips pressed together" moments typical of jdoramas. There was nothing else, no other action. I like that in this scene, at least Yuya and Watanabe are touching each other - he has his hand on her shoulder, and he's looking at her mouth. It's not like how Ogiwara kissed Minami, which was sudden, totally colorless and so brief (that's kinda how's Jin's kiss was). Yech. I want more!

And yes, perfect would be awfully nice. :)


bunengshuode August 8 2006, 17:09:40 UTC
The setup for this kiss is just so beautiful, from Watanabe crying to Kame tilting his head and omg touching, and his expression is just so moving and ahhhhhhh *squees madly and melts into a puddle of fangirl*


winterspel August 8 2006, 18:05:02 UTC

:D I love your enthusiasm! Gosh, let's hope it happens. I'm hoping that the tears aren't because he didn't kiss her. I wouldn't put it past them to mess with us like this!


ina August 8 2006, 18:43:46 UTC
I so agree with you. I am just crossing my fingers too! Why isn't it Monday again??


winterspel August 8 2006, 19:07:25 UTC
Why isn't it Monday again??

Oh, I know! This is the pain of watching currently airing dramas! There is much to be said for the instant gratification of swallowing entire doramas in a single weekend.


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winterspel August 8 2006, 19:05:22 UTC
Have you seen Nobuta wo Produce? If you haven't, you really should. It's a terrific drama: well written and well-acted. Kame and his character of Shuji in NwP are head and shoulders (imo) above Ryu in everything but the "cool" factor. There is no doubt that Ryu was amazingly cool.

You're right, Kame's Yuya is very different from Ryu, and they are both very different from Shuji. Personally, I much prefer Shuji and Yuya to Ryu because they are more complete characters - they have more depth to them, which the writers never really gave to Ryu (which is a pity, because it would have been awesome to see Kame do something neat with a meatier role).

I have to agree - I don't see any sexual tension between Yuya and Minami. He's interested in her somewhat, but she doesn't seem to think of him as other than a chum, not really. I don't care about the height, or anything - I'm sentimental. I just want Yuya to end up with someone who really cares for him, whoever that is. If that ends up being Watanabe, so be it! (I'll find a way to swallow my ( ... )


altiui August 8 2006, 21:44:12 UTC
Jumping in once more but I love discussing Kame as an actor. I too was blown away by how different his characters have been yet each and every time he has fluidly adopted each role ( ... )


rikayla August 8 2006, 17:40:09 UTC
I think I giggled all through your picspam comment. *giggles some more*


THIS IS SO AMAZING. OMFG. I hope they aren't effing like, jerking us around or I will kill those stupid producer fag-gotchas.


winterspel August 8 2006, 17:52:30 UTC
Haha! Well, the reason I comment on this is because the dorama kisses I see are usually just these flat head on kisses with no set up, no real romantic build up. Ogiwara's kiss of Minami is a perfect example. He just leaned in and pow!the lightest touch of two lips that ever faked being a kiss. The pressed lips thing that they do in jdoramas has got to go!

This one loooks like it could be the real deal.

Closs my fingers Fingers crossed that it actually happens! :)


rikayla August 8 2006, 22:34:45 UTC
You know what? O.O That's true. Hmmmmmm.
... Now all that's left is making it an actual North American sort of kiss. The kind that Jin envies so much. =DDDD


winterspel August 8 2006, 22:38:26 UTC
... Now all that's left is making it an actual North American sort of kiss. The kind that Jin envies so much. =DDDD

OMG, don't even get me started! *swoons* And oddly, it's making me want to write Akame p0rn, eeek!


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