Sapuri Picspam Episode 6 Teaser (Spoilers!)

Aug 08, 2006 06:09

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Episode 6 Teaser

Well, if that didn't melt your eyeballs...

Hee! One can only hope that it actually happens, and that they aren't jerking us around. Honestly, much as I dislike Watanabe, I don't even care so long as it means that Kame gets to have a REAL onscreen kiss. JUST DO IT! The set up looks gorgeous. [I'm not telling how many times I rewound and watched; even if only to see his fingers moving on her shoulder...] I remember thinking at the end of Episode 4 that it was really good that Watanabe at least wasn't taller than Yuya, and this looks perrrrfect. Head tilt! Nice expression! Let's see what next week has in store for us...

picspam: kame, dorama, je, affection on screen, dorama kisses, kamenashi kazuya, picspam, jdorama: sapuri picspam, jdorama: sapuri

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