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Comments 12

seiwei July 2 2006, 02:04:41 UTC
#########! Please please may I take some of your pictures to post in my lj if I credit you 95739145793457 times? I haven't seen Dreamboys yet (EVEN THOUGH I WANT TO SOOOO BAD!!) but some of these pics are just so KAT-TUN and crazy that I wanna add my own little captions to them ^^. Not all, just the weird ones XD. Pleeeeease m(_ _)m?


winterspel July 2 2006, 08:28:58 UTC
Yes, yes, of course you can use the caps! :) Please don't hotlink them, but definitely go ahead - I made them so that others can be as entertained as I am by the WEIRD CRACK THAT IS JE! Ha ha! I'd love to see what your captions are, so leave me a message so I can come over and enjoy the DBs crack some more. I suck at captions, plus, OMG there were over 300 pics! I couldn't even begin to caption this picspam properly. Besides, the crack ate my brain cells. ;)

I'm just glad to know that I'm not the only one WTFing my poor brain out over DBs.


je12_vz09 July 2 2006, 06:46:19 UTC
thanks for the disc2 caps. :) ah! i can't wait to watch it. finished d/l-ing disc 1 and i'm now d/l-ing disc 2. i'll just get the dvd later. i gotta save! it's expensive.

re costumes, i know. i just don't get why there's always feather and fur on their costumes. and they're huge that it can cover 'em already.


winterspel July 2 2006, 13:45:10 UTC
Have fun with DBs when you get to watch all of it. Disc 2 is less bizarre than Disc 1.

The thing is, I get the impression (I'm still new at all this) that NO ONE gets the costumes or some of the choreography, or lots of things about JE, but despite the weirdness of it all, we're all still here! It's like we signed over our souls to Kitagawa and said "here ya go! Blank check for taste abuse and baffling randomness, so long as you keep providing the pretty boys!" Right? RIGHT? It really seems that way.

Glad you enjoyed the picspam! :D


emi_akachan July 2 2006, 08:09:10 UTC
I finally finished watching it. Then I came to your LJ and looking through all the pics was like watching it all over again, but on mute XD

it's just weird crack.SO TRUE. Despite having a vague idea of the storyline... it was just plain weird. I think I've given up on trying to make sense of it. Maybe if I knew what was going on it wouldn't be as enjoyable. I really do ♥ JE and all the randomness that comes with it. I mean, who else but Kame can go from gorgeousboxerinpurplecloak to prettyemoinwhitesuit to skinnyboxerthatknocksoutSubaru (but how cool were the green lasers that made out the boxing... arena thingy? The name has escaped my head. DBs must've ate it O_O) to scaryassclown to weirdfirethingysurroundedbyweirdgreenthings to awesomeacrobat to spiderman (this part was down right WTF) and then after ALL THAT, come out with AT-TUN and sing songs. Seriously ( ... )


winterspel July 2 2006, 13:37:09 UTC
How much do I love you for taking the time to write a nice long response??

I really do ♥ JE and all the randomness that comes with it. I mean, who else but Kame can go from gorgeousboxerinpurplecloak to prettyemoinwhitesuit to skinnyboxerthatknocksoutSubaru (but how cool were the green lasers that made out the boxing... arena thingy? The name has escaped my head. DBs must've ate it O_O) to scaryassclown to weirdfirethingysurroundedbyweirdgreenthings to awesomeacrobat to spiderman (this part was down right WTF) and then after ALL THAT, come out with AT-TUN and sing songs. Seriously.

I'm fairly new to this fandom, and I've had to learn very quickly to roll with the randomness. When I wrote this not long ago, I was still trying to understand how all this exists because it's an entertainment niche that isn't exactly niche and is just so foreign for someone used to North American/European entertainment culture. That's part of why I love it - I love it because it is SO DIFFERENT and that they get away with things that would just never fly ( ... )


emi_akachan July 3 2006, 04:11:35 UTC
I could go on endlessly about JE~ It doesn't look as long in the comment box... so I just keep typing and typing. Heh, as I've said - I like to ramble. Lots. XD

And yes, ring is what I was looking for. Oh the SHAME. I blame Dream Boys. Next thing you know I'll forget the really hard words like... CAT, or something. ^^".

Two shows for one. BARGAIN. When the showtime came to an end I was almost expecting the musical to start again. Why? Just because. And I would've found it completely normal. JE. HEAD. MESSES. BAD. SENSE. NO. MAKE ( ... )


seiwei July 6 2006, 05:36:15 UTC
*jumps up and down* but but but they did the same for the earlier Dreamboys with Takki I've seen that one but not this 2006 version. They had Showtime where, basically, Takki sang to his heart's content.

And as for the costumes, I think that KAT-TUN's comstumes fit who they are. They always seem to wear the same Kame and Maru enjoy showing nipples, Ueda and Jin love long robes, Koki's into hoodies, and the others probably dress Junno up Junno doesn't care. But god, Koki's hood in the end is too much XD!! And Ueda Tat-chan is dressed up like a king! I seriously think the KAT-TUN boys have contests on who can outdress the other ( ... )


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