megans_writing: Toy Soldier (Jack/11) [R]

Apr 18, 2011 14:00

Title: Toy Soldier
Author/Artist/Vidder/...: megans_writing
Challenge: 2011 Doctor/Jack Bingo Fest
Prompt used: grief
Rating: R
Pairing: Jack/11
Spoilers/warnings: AU. 1940s WW2. Hurt/Comfort. This is the much asked for sequel to In The Mood.
Summary: Jack is a Captain in the RAF and was injured in battle. He's been spending his time in a War Hospital under taken care of his unorthodox Doctor.

As he wakes up, he wonders why the hell he's looking up at paper flowers and not at his Ann Miller pin-up. Jack is confused. Why he can't hear his mean grumbling about getting up so early… why he can't hear any bombs?

Then it all comes back to him. The important mission over Berlin… the dog fight… he was clearly outnumbered… his engines were blasted and he remembered falling… just falling toward the earth.

Jack doesn't bother to turn his head as he hears a light rapping at his door. He manages to croak out a weak 'come in'. He doesn't really care who it is. It's just one of the nurses, it's not the Doctor.

"Hello, Captain Harkness," Williams says. He's such an awkward boy. Williams trips on his way to the bed and falls flat on his face. "Sorry about that. No need to get up and help." He staggers up and brushes himself off.

Jack hasn't moved an inch. "How's that wife of yours, Williams?" he asks casually to lighten the mood. The air is much too stuffy in here.

"Fiancée, actually." The nurse smiles. "And call me Rory." He looks at the chart at the foot of Jack's bed. "You have a choice of either pancakes or French toast for breakfast. Which would you rather?"

Jack just blinks.

"Right… I'll put down French toast then. How would you like your eggs?" Rory asks hopeful.

Jack blinks twice.

"I'll just put sunny side up… Should I even ask what kind of meat you'd like?"

Jack yawns.

"Right, right. I'll let it be a surprise then. I'll just let all your meals be surprises…" Rory grimaces as he scribbles something down on the chart. "Do you need to go to the bathroom, Captain Harkness?"

Jack sticks out his tongue.

Rory stomps his foot like a child. "Now see here, Captain Harkness! You've been here for two weeks. We've had conversations; I know you can talk! You just did! You asked me about Amelia. Why are you suddenly refusing to speak now?"

"Cause you never answered my question." Jack grins.

Rory exhales and shakes his head in complete disbelief. "She's fine, Captain. Now will you corporate?"

"With pleasure." Jack folds his arms across his chest in victory.


He remembers. It's those idiotic construction paper flowers that make him remember.

They were playing in a meadow with colorful wild flowers. They were out of breath and laid down in the grass. A pink flower tickled his cheek and he picked it and gave it to his brother. His brother hugged him with all his might, his freckled face just inches from his own, and asked Jack if they'd be together forever. He'd promised Gray with a laugh.

Stupid memories. Stupid broken promises. It seemed to be the story of his life.


"You just love to make my employees lives a living hell, don't you, Harkness?"

Jack turns his head to see that the Doctor has strolled into his room.

"Oh, and here's your mail." The Doctor tosses the envelopes onto Jack's lap. "Noble refuses to deliver your mail until further notice. Why is that?"

"I didn't want to talk to her. She got pissed off."

"Yeah, well, you might not talk to her but Johnson, down the hall, covered her in sick last week. O'Neil, with the glass eye, asks her out on a date nearly every day. I doubt that you not speaking to her would set her off. Now what happened?" The Doctor takes his usual seat by the bed.

"She tried to hug me." He tries to make it not sound as stupid as it is.

"You scared off my finest secretary because she tried you hug you?" The Doctor wags at finger in his face as though he's a rotten child. "Your mother never did teach you manners, did she? You know Noble likes to hug all of my patients. Likes to think she's touching a hero. You should be proud." Jack watches as the Doctor leans over and examines his untouched lunch, still on its plastic tray. "Why haven't you eaten?"

"Fish and custard?" Jack exclaims. "It's disgust-" His mouth drops to the floor as he witnesses the Doctor dip one of the fish fingers into the small bowl of yellow custard and greedily eat and suck the food. It was the most revolting thing Jack had ever witnessed.

"Besides…" the Doctor smacks his lips. "Doing Noble's job, I came to tell you something."

Jack waits. But the Doctor doesn't answer. He just eats and sucks at the custard on the end of each fish finger. It seems like the Doctor has forgotten all about this news he was going to tell Jack, more intent on eating Jack's uneaten lunch. It would have been alluring to watch the Doctor lick and suck at another food… any other food… than fish fingers and custard.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

The Doctor looks up at him, eyes wide and innocent, a bit of custard dripping from his mouth. "What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me? What do you mean what's wrong with me? I'm perfectly…" He wipes away the custard with his tongue. "Cool. Ah!" He stands up, knocking over the wooden stool he was sitting on. "I was going to tell you something, wasn't I?" The Doctor gives him a wide grin. "I've decided that you're doing so well in your physical therapy that we're moving you on to the next stage." The Doctor frowns, unpleased at Jack's lack of reaction. "What's wrong? Are you Mr. Grumpy Gills today?"

Jack sighs. He's not sure if he should admit what has been on his mind but he does anyway."You know so much about me… yet I know nothing about you."

The Doctor lifts an eyebrow. "And…?"

"It bothers me. A lot."

The Doctor sits down on the stool again and finally begins to scribble in Jack's medical files. "I'm a very private person," he says rather defensively. "But what would you like to know?"

Jack blurts out, "Are you married?" He instantly regrets this question. He knows whatever the answer it will be like a kick to his groin. If the answer is yes, than the Doctor definitely would not be interested in men. If the answer is no… what are the chances that the Doctor would be homosexual? Not likely.

The Doctor looks at him intensely, his eyes burning into Jack's. His face, Jack notes, is sad. "Yes," the Doctor finally answers, barely audible.

Jack feels his hear sink but trudges on. "What's her name?"

There's another pause. "River."

Jack is astonished. In his experience, whenever you ask a man what his wife's name is, a man in love will never shut up about her. He'll tell you about her hair color, about her beautiful eyes, he might even tell you her favorite color and hobbies. Jack knew this because he had once loved Estelle, and he remembered that everyone wanted his lips sealed shut since he constantly talked about how amazing she was. Hell, get Rory Williams in a conversation that isn't about your charts and he never shuts up about his fiancée. But the Doctor? This is not a man in love.

"What's wrong with her?" Jack sits up in bed, a little more interested in this conversation than before.

"What do you mean? She's my wife."

"You don't love her," Jack replies simply.

The Doctor furrows his brow. "And what about your wife, Harkness? Do you love her?"

"No, I don't."

They stare at each other's eyes with intense passion. The air is thick and they both know something is about to happen and their lives will change forever.

The Doctor lunges forward, the stool crashing to the floor. His hands cup Jack's face and Jack does the same, his quick movement causing his unread mail to go spilling to the floor. They take in each other's scents for only a moment before Jack makes the first move, kissing the Doctor hard. This is heaven, he thinks as he hears the Doctor moan into his lips. Jack opens his mouth and their tongues collide, dancing together in a duet. The Doctor clutches Jack closer to his body. Jack wiggles his hand free and cups the Doctor's crotch, beginning to massage it.

Suddenly, the Doctor breaks away from the heated kiss. "I can't do this!" the Doctor shouts. He stumbles backward, hitting the abandoned stool. "I'm sorry… so sorry… Jack…" He runs out of the room.

Jack feels like he's just been scammed. He'd had the hottest kiss of his life with the man of his dreams... Oh God… Jack realizes as a tear slips down his cheek, he finally called him by his first name. Jack buries his face in his hands and cries; he can still feel the Doctor's lips on his own. This wasn't how it was supposed to be.

author: mahmfic, challenge: 2011 bingo, pair: jack/11th doctor, fanfic

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