GigglingGigi: Dear Doctor,(Jack/Doctor, Ianto/Jack) [ pg-13]

Mar 21, 2011 13:40

Title: Dear Doctor
Author: GigglingGigi
Challenge: 2011 Doctor/Jack Bingo Fest
Prompt used: The go-between, preparing to let go, and yearning.
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jack/Doctor, Ianto/Jack
Spoilers/warnings: Exit Wounds(Season two) and could be for COE(season three).
Summary: Ianto writes a letter.
The Prologue in the Letter 'verse.
Read more... )

pair: jack/any doctor, author: gigglinggigi. fanfic, challenge: 2011 bingo

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Comments 12

newra_skylarke March 21 2011, 21:13:02 UTC
yay! first comment *is pleased with own speed*

I love this. it sums it up perfectly. I love that even though he doesnt want to, Ianto puts aside his own desires and wants for jack. that is what love is.

And if the Doctor read that and turned away, i think we'd ALL kick his pretty arse!!

well written. i love it


gigglinggigi March 22 2011, 02:27:33 UTC
Thank you so much! I know I think he would get his butt kicked. I am so happy you enjoyed this story! And you made me yay too when I saw a comment.


beachy_geek March 21 2011, 21:47:57 UTC
Absolutely beautiful. Ianto would love Jack enough to write this and the descriptions of Jack's longing for the Doctor really feed into Ianto's insecurity. My heart breaks for him all over again. Thank you for this lovely fic.


gigglinggigi March 22 2011, 02:29:05 UTC
You are very welcome, thank you for the wonderful comment! That really made me smile.


scifiangel March 22 2011, 05:18:15 UTC
Heatbreakingly beautiful! Ianto loves Jack so much he's willing to beg his rival to love his man. And I agree with 575. I'll kick his ass if he reads that and turns away!


gigglinggigi March 22 2011, 06:08:47 UTC
I am so glad you enjoyed it. Lol The Doctor better treat Jack right or he'll end up with a lot of people out to beat his butt. Heh.


Really *got* to me... parmanya March 25 2011, 04:15:45 UTC
This really got to me. You wrote something I've been wanting to read for a very long time, and did justice to it.
Thank you for writing this, and taking the effort to post it for others to read.


Re: Really *got* to me... gigglinggigi March 25 2011, 04:18:08 UTC
You're welcome baby. I am going to go kiss you now considering you are sitting in the same house. Heh.*Fades to black so no one else can see hehe*


develish1 March 29 2011, 02:11:47 UTC
beautiful, sad but beautiful :)


gigglinggigi March 29 2011, 02:16:36 UTC
Thank you very much. If you want to read the following parts of the story, because it has lead to much more. They are here (not work safe) here: and lastly here:

With more to come. Thank you again for commenting.


develish1 March 29 2011, 02:32:07 UTC
oddly enough, I just found the next one, but thanks for telling me, I will read them all


gigglinggigi March 29 2011, 02:33:52 UTC
You're welcome. I hope you enjoy them.


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