Title: Day Zero 3: Day One
Author: Mshorr
Rating: Iffy, I'm gonna stick with NC-17 for where it's going.
Paring: Will/FInn
Warnings: The friend that I'm writing this for has a thing for how hairy Matthew Morrison is, sorry if it's weird. No beta sorry.
Summary: Finn goes back to School. Will needs to learn to trim. Also I think that they're gonna die
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Comments 2
Great chapter. Loved Will's early morning activity and the fact the Finn got an eyeful. really, will? On a day that you are so worried about your feelings for Finn, and you go commando?!?
I was very proud of the way Finn handled getting the message of the zipper to Will.
Soooo, will chapter 4 or 5 have will and finn at the tutoring session? I'm looking forward to at least some innocent, inappropriate touching (hands brushing, feet accidentally tangling under the table-finn is freakishly tall after all).
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