Day Zero 3: Day One

Jun 04, 2011 23:03

  Title: Day Zero 3: Day One
Author: Mshorr
Rating: Iffy, I'm gonna stick with NC-17 for where it's going.
Paring: Will/FInn
Warnings: The friend that I'm writing this for has a thing for how hairy Matthew Morrison is, sorry if it's weird. No beta sorry.
Summary: Finn goes back to School. Will needs to learn to trim. Also I think that they're gonna die of stress before I loosen up enough to let them at each other.

Will thought about calling in that day. Half of him was desperately crying out that it was the right thing to do. That he should call the school and fake some kind of family emergency. After a few days he’d be able to call them and tell them they’d need to arrange for a sub for the rest of the summer. It wasn’t like he really needed the money.

The other half was busy seducing him into going in, and seducing was the right word. Images of Finn kept tearing through his mind. The younger man flashing his lop-sided grin in glee. The little stripe of skin that was exposed by his T-shirt riding up when he stretched. It really wasn’t fair. Will knew how young Finn was, but he certainly didn’t look it.

Eventually Will gave in. He knew the school probably wouldn’t be able to find a substitute on such short notice. That, and he’d spent the morning telling himself that he’d be able to deal with Finn in a professional way. After all his job, freedom, and reputation were riding on his ability to teach Finn Spanish without dry-humping his leg. “I just need to get off.” He told himself. “There’s no way that it’s about Finn. I’m just reacting to anything because it’s been so long.” It had been awhile. Terri’d been gone for nearly two years and Holli was a thing of the past. Emma was sweet, but she wasn’t really the kind to be passionate. Not that he’d thought about her in that way for a while.

So he slicked up his fist with Lubriderm (six squirts) and went to it. A few minutes later, thinking that he hadn’t finished that fast since high school, he was satisfied. He re-dressed and headed to work satisfied that he’d gotten the tension out of his system and that seeing Finn wouldn’t cause any problems.


Finn stopped just outside McKinley. He didn’t think that he was ready to be back at school, but his Mom would probably freak out and take him to the hospital if he faked sick any longer. “I don’t think that I can face him again.” Finn thought, mind set firmly on Mr. Schuester. “I’m not even going to be able to pay attention in class. I’ll be like that Greek dude sissy-face or whatever who had to roll the boulder up hill. Any time I make any progress I’ll get distracted by Mr. Schue and have to start back at the beginning.” Finn did have some hope. He’d checked online and seen that lots of people when through a “phase” like he was. He was also glad that Puck had taught him how to clean the browser history. Some of the sites he’d followed links to had been less than wholesome. Not that he hadn’t enjoyed them thoroughly, but still not something you wanted to share with your parent by accident. Plus, his Mom would be all supportive and stuff. He wasn’t gay, he was certain that he couldn’t be.

There had been that time with Santana. It was quick and pretty uncomfortable, but he figured that had been more from it being Santana than anything else. Then there was Quinn, they were on a break because she thought he wasn’t serious enough about being popular, but he was pretty sure that he loved her. They hadn’t done anything, you know, below the waist. He’d gotten to touch her boobs though, and man, boobs were awesome. He was pretty sure he could spend all day touching them without getting bored. At least, as long as there were breaks for food. Boobs were all well and good, but he was pretty certain his Mom’s pot roast was the best thing on Earth. He’d touched the side of Rachel’s boob that once, too. She made him eat some weird vegan thing after so it kind of ruined the memory though. If he had too choose he’d probably go with Rachel’s as being better, but he’d never tell Quinn that.

Realizing that he’d been standing there for five minutes staring blankly at the door was a little embarrassing. So Finn blushed and headed in. He felt like he spent half his life blushing sometimes, that or lifting one eyebrow when he was confused, or sad, or happy, or angry, or singing. “Come to think of it, maybe I should practice some expressions in the mirror when I get home. I can be all sedu... seduci... sexy next time I see Quinn.” He thought as he took his seat in Spanish. He regretted sitting at the front immediately.

The source of his regret was at eye level. Maybe slightly below. He certainly wasn’t going out his way to look there, and he’d get Puck to beat up anybody who said so. Or Santana if it was a chick, he was mostly certain that he could get Brittany to ask her to. His desk was at the front of the class. He’d been stupid enough to think that it’d help him pay attention better. It was working, sort of. He wasn’t any better at note taking, but he was certainly engrossed in the fact that Mr. Schue’s fly was open. It wouldn’t have been that bad, but Mr. Schue always wore those tight pants. In this case that meant that the fly wasn’t just folded in on itself like normal, instead it was gaping wide open. He learned a new thing.

William Schuester did not wear underpants that day.

No boxers, no briefs, no boxer-briefs. Not even a thong. Then again, judging from the amount of hair he was seeing the man might not even need them. Seriously, hadn’t Mr. Schue ever heard of man-scaping? Finn immediately put the thought of the older man running a shaving-gel slick hand over his crotch out of his mind. If anyone had ever doubted Finn’s ability to concentrate that moment would have shown them he could. Not that he was ever, ever, in any way, going to tell anyone about it. So, with his newly, mostly, crotch free mind unencumbered he came up with a plan. It wasn’t the best plan he’d ever had, but again his mind was only mostly crotch free.

Finn stood up suddenly. Drawing a startled glance from Mr. Schue. Finn figured he probably thought that Finn was about to charge out of the room in a huff. Rachel had them all well trained. Instead he stood between Mr. Schue and the rest of the class. Hoping no one had seen what he had yet. He didn’t want to have to talk to Mr. Schue already, but it was more important the man not be humiliated in front of his students.

Finn forgot what he’d been about to say when when Mr. Schue raised one eyebrow in a curious expression. Mostly because he was thinking that he didn’t need to learn a new expression. Eyebrows could be curious afterall.
“Do you need to go to the restroom Finn?” Mr. Schue’s voice woke him from his reverie. Which was good because he didn’t think that you could do what he was thinking about with an eyebrow anyway unless you were willing to risk blindness. Though it would be totally worth it if it worked. “No, Mr. Schue. I just remembered something the doctor told me last week that I’m supposed to tell you. Could we talk in the hall for a sec? It’s kind of private.” Mr. Schue gave what sounded like an impatient sigh to Finn and asked, “Is there any way it could wait until after class.” Finn really wished that he could just say yes and wait. He didn’t like being the focus of the classes attention like this, but he reminded himself that it was for Mr. Schue and pressed on. “I kinda need to tell you now, I’m really sorry. It will only take about ten seconds though I swear.”

Mr. Schue looked at him steadily and then turned to address the rest of the class. “Finn and I will be just outside the door. No wild parties while I’m gone.” With that he turned back to Finn and gave him a small smile. “Shall we?” he said, gesturing at the door gracefully with one hand. Finn nodded, though it came out like a series of small muscle spasms, and tried his best to stay between Mr. Schue and the class all the way to the door.

Outside in the hallway it wasn’t as bad. No one was looking at him, and he couldn’t see the small patch of skin though Mr. Schue’s zipper that he’d been trying to figure out. It was either a bald spot, which was unlikely, or part of the base of Mr. Schue’s cock. Which was in no way arousing him, no matter what his cramped and now slightly damp boxer-briefs would say otherwise. Mr. Schue pulled him from his thoughts with a question. “What did you need to tell me Finn.” The grin he gave got him thinking about cleft chins, which was a much safer mode of thought than cock/not cock, so he stored it up for later. “I really didn’t have anything to tell you Mr. Schue. I just wanted to let you know that your zipper was down with the whole class knowing.” He’d never seen Mr. Schue’s hands move that quick before. The zipper was back up before the last words were anywhere near to done being said.

Mr. Schue seemed to relax for a moment and then immediately paled. Finn figured that he’d just realized he wasn’t wearing anything underneath his pants that day. So in the spirit of cooperation, and the spirit of wanting to get the hell away from Mr. Schue before he bent him over here in the hallway Finn threw the man a bone. “You couldn’t see your underwear or anything like that. I just wanted to let you know before it opened up enough for anyone to see anything. A little bit of color returned to the mans cheeks as he nodded his head. “Thanks Finn, that would have been really embarrassing. Ready to head back in?” Finn figured that, “May I fuck you now,” wouldn’t go over very well so he followed his teacher back into the room. Today was really, really going to suck, but at least he hadn’t jizzed in his pants again. He supposed that was a plus.

fanwork: fanfic, contribution: third time poster!!!!, rating: nc17

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