Title: Kittened
Recipient: everyone
Pairing: Taehyun/Mino (side Jinwoo/Seunghoon if you squint)
Rating: PG
Summary: Taehyun and Mino adopt a kitten, and things don't quite work out how Taehyun had planned them to in his head. (AU)
Notes: Thankyou for the great prompts! I couldn't resist using the cat prompt, although I took it in a slightly
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Comments 5
thanks for this super cute fic *^*
I knew I needed a kitten namsong fic in my life but I didn't know how much I needed /this/ until now. I'm not usually the type to like cheesiness, and this story was certainly cheesy in some parts, but it's just too adorable!
AND JINHOON! It was just a glimpse but why do I feel like I need a whole new story just about them now?! I loved how you portrayed Jinwoo in this. I don't know how to explain it, I just loved how you described his gestures and everything.
Basically, there's not a single thing I didn't love about this! Thank you so much for sharing <3
p.s. I think I know who you are
Great job. ;D
can't stress enough that this is fluffiness, adorableness, cuteness and everything rainbows and sunshine rolled into one wonderful, delightful read.
mino and taehyun are so perfectly casted into this story and I can totally picture them two babying and pampering little Polly ;__;
jinhoon is such an adorable pair too !
thank you for the story ! i really enjoyed reading it :)
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