Title: PARTNER Author: afterdark88 Pairing: Mino/Taehyun (namsong) Rating: R Genre: Romance, Action Length: chaptered Warning(s): Alternative Universe, mention of illegal stuff (drugs, weapons), Violence (maybe a bit) Author's notes: based on the movie "Zootopia" that I loved a bit too much.
Title: Delivery Service Author: afterdark88 Rating: PG Genre: Romance Length: 6870 Summary: Taehyun doesn't even like pizza that much but he orders it every other day because of a certain delivery man. Author's note: Originally wrote for namsongfictions "Chambers of Our Secret" fanfiction fest. ( Delivery Service )
Title: Sugar Author: afterdark Rating: PG Genre: Romance Warnings: Fluff, side!Minwoo Notes: Just a short AU I wrote last minute to celebrate New Year's Eve. Fluff, fluff, fluff. Just fluff and namsong feels. Enjoy♥
Title: Shields Author: afterdark Rating: PG15 Genre: Action, Romance Warning: Language, Hurt/Comfort, Summary: On one hand, the rich heir of a well-known family. On the other, his new bodyguard. They hate each other, of course.
Title: Shields Author: afterdark Rating: PG15 Genre: Action, Romance Warning: Language, Hurt/Comfort, Summary: On one hand, the rich heir of a well-known family. On the other, his new bodyguard. They hate each other, of course.
Title: Shields Author: afterdark Rating: PG15 Genre: Action, Romance Warning: Language, Hurt/Comfort, Summary: On one hand, the rich heir of a well-known family. On the other, his new bodyguard. They hate each other, of course.