propinquitine is writing a fannish paper for law school and asked for my perspective on fannish differences (or not) of opinion. I started composing a reply, but I got totally sidetracked and ended up writing a ginormous essay on the history of my own fannish interactions and how much I love Fandom. And thus (somewhat edited and slightly expanded from the
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Comments 8
And for the record, PGSM is made of cheesy WIN.
And also OMGYAY another PGSM fan! :D It is definitely made of cheesy WIN. I mean, it'll be all serious-like (even while surrounded by plastic toy props) and then someone will have a serious conversation in a turtle suit:
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Also, school papers on your hobbies are the best kind (although you have to be careful they don't make you hate what it is you're writing about >_>). I wrote my final Advanced Trademarks paper on Asian ball-jointed dolls. Did you tell us the results of your paper on the podfic archive yet? That was probably way more intellectual than what I wrote (I was just describing and applying caselaw--the most in-depth thing I did was conduct a survey. But it was the last paper of my third year, so there was no way I was putting out much effort there).
The podfic paper is over here. Using a fannish topic made that particular class so much more interesting. :) It got bogged down by me padding it with random vaguely-related quotes in order to meet the citation requirement, but overall it's a pretty good paper and I'm hoping to rewrite it a bit for possible publication.
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