So, propinquitine is writing a fannish paper for law school and asked for my perspective on fannish differences (or not) of opinion. I started composing a reply, but I got totally sidetracked and ended up writing a ginormous essay on the history of my own fannish interactions and how much I love Fandom. And thus (somewhat edited and slightly expanded from the
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Hee, I had a very Office-y day at work today. As in Dunder-Mifflin The Office, with Jim and pranks. Though, sadly, I have no Jim equivalent. There were pranks, though!
well, i survived my all-nighter at Guild (not without some eventfulness), but now my brain doesn't work. and i still have all those stupid papers to write. ;_;
you know what sucks? planning a lovely day of sleeping in and then being rudely awakened by someone else's alarm. from downstairs. and now it's raining all hard and stuff
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i got adopted for Thanksgiving! ^_^ i don't have to be a lonely West Coast orphan all by me onesies like i have been for the past three years. a bunch of other "orphans" from school are going to be cooking a real Thanksgiving dinner with turkey and everything. yay
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