A Chill Runs Through Her Veins (Castle, Castle/Beckett)

Mar 03, 2011 21:19

Title: A Chill Runs Through Her Veins
Author: Wingsss
Rating: G/K
Warnings: Spoilers through 3x17, “Countdown.” I don’t own Castle.
Summary: Missing scene from “Countdown.” Some musings with a tinge of Caskett flavor. Basically my attempt at rationalizing how giggly girl excited Beckett was when Dr. Motorcycle Boy came back from Haiti. 681 words.
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paring: beckett/castle, fandom: castle, fic: a chill runs through her veins

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Comments 8

allie_svu March 12 2011, 03:18:22 UTC
I think you've done an excellent job of capturing the confusion that Kate must feel. So much emotion for her partner who *gets* her, but has hurt her in the past. So much longing to make Josh "the one" because he checks all the intellectual boxes for what her mind says she needs. So much inner conflict because of what her heart wants.

Thanks for posting.


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