Title: A Chill Runs Through Her Veins
Author: Wingsss
Rating: G/K
Warnings: Spoilers through 3x17, “Countdown.” I don’t own Castle.
Summary: Missing scene from “Countdown.” Some musings with a tinge of Caskett flavor. Basically my attempt at rationalizing how giggly girl excited Beckett was when Dr. Motorcycle Boy came back from Haiti. 681 words.
Disclaimer: I don't own Castle, and make no profit from this creation.
The first thing Kate sees is a bright light that gives her a splitting headache. Besides the pain splitting her head at the temples, she feels violent shivers racking her body. Warm hands on her icy arms and legs hold her down.
She hears a voice, a man’s voice. But not the one she’s hoping for:
“She’s having a seizure, bro.”
Josh’s voice:
“It’s okay, Javier. Just the shakes-it means she’s warming back up.”
Still wrong.
“Rick…” she whispers, and her throat burns like fire. Her lungs aren’t quite used to the warm air yet, and her voice is strained from all the shaking.
“It’s okay Kate, you’re going to be fine.”
“No, no, Rick-Castle. Wh-where’s…”
He understands.
“He’s going to wake up. Take a deep breath.” Josh’s voice is tight. She thinks maybe she said something wrong.
Kate finally sees the light for what it is-she’s in the back of an ambulance. She’s strapped to a table, actually, and she’s shivering so violently it’s shaking her to the core. She’s calling Rick’s name, but it’s Josh looking over her with heated blankets and a bottle of water.
He helps her up, and she takes the water. She pretends her throat burns too much to say anything, and nurses her water so she doesn’t have to talk. Really, she doesn’t know where to begin.
He supplies the words for her.
“I couldn’t go. I was standing at the airport and I just… couldn’t.” Her shivers are slowing, and Josh deftly unstraps her ankles. He’s smiling at her, and leans forward to plant a kiss on her lips.
“I’m in this, Katie. For as long as-“
An unfamiliar voice calls from an adjacent ambulance:
“Dr. Davidson? He’s waking up.”
Josh is out of the ambulance in a flash, in full doctor mode. She recognizes this face, and knows that even though Josh is not in Haiti he’s still a million miles away. She knows the “he” they’re talking about is Castle, so she’s off the table and out of the ambulance as fast as her wobbly legs will take her. She doesn’t get far-her car is right outside and she has to learn against it for support. She draws the blanket tight around her and watches over Josh’s shoulders as Rick calls her name in the same dry, panicked tone she used when she first woke up. She sees his anguished face over Josh's shoulder, and it causes a searing pain, high in her chest.
She’s thinking of Melanie Cavanaugh. One of the first cases she worked with Rick. She’s trying to imagine spending five years dead in a freezer, and comes up empty. She remembers something else from that case: her and Rick in the precinct late at night. She twirled the chain that holds her mother’s ring in her fingers, eyes fixed on the desk in front of her. Before she knew what she was doing, or why she was doing it, she told Rick about her mom’s murder, her dad’s alcoholism. The fact that she hasn’t even told Josh these things hits her like a freight train. She’s been working with Rick three years and sometimes she tells herself that the reason he knows her so well is because of the history. But it didn’t take him more than an hour to figure her out and not more than a week before she cracked and told him the truth.
She thinks that Josh deserves the chance to know these things about her. He came back for her, so it should be her turn to take this step. But sometimes, she just wishes she didn’t have to tell him. That things could flow between them in the easy unspoken way they so often did with Rick. She’s torn, but an honorable person and not the kind of girl who runs from a good thing when she sees it. So maybe, she thinks she’ll give Josh his chance. Because she knows like the ice in her bones that Rick will be there when the floor falls out from under her.