A Chill Runs Through Her Veins (Castle, Castle/Beckett)

Mar 03, 2011 21:19

Title: A Chill Runs Through Her Veins
Author: Wingsss
Rating: G/K
Warnings: Spoilers through 3x17, “Countdown.” I don’t own Castle.
Summary: Missing scene from “Countdown.” Some musings with a tinge of Caskett flavor. Basically my attempt at rationalizing how giggly girl excited Beckett was when Dr. Motorcycle Boy came back from Haiti. 681 words.
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paring: beckett/castle, fandom: castle, fic: a chill runs through her veins

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Comments 8

mystizan March 4 2011, 02:29:26 UTC
Ummm no, this does not fix the fact that she's still with Josh for me. That said, this was well written & very engaging...I couldn't stop reading :)


h_loquacious March 4 2011, 02:40:48 UTC
I'm having mixed thoughts. I think it's very accurate. I ilke the callback to S1. I like the contrast between Castle and Josh. I don't know that I like Beckett giving Josh a try while Castle's a backup. At least not consciously. I could see it being something she *unconsciously* does (and I think is a good explanation for her motivations, like I said, it's accurate). But I'm not sure I like it spellt out in just that way, if that makes any sense. On the other hand, given what we know about how Kate deals with realtionships and protects her heart, it probably is accurate.

In other words, I'm torn. I'm about 95% there, but you might lose me in the last line.


arafel_sedai March 6 2011, 19:42:48 UTC
I just have to tell you that your icon just rocks!


h_loquacious March 7 2011, 07:11:11 UTC
Thanks! I like it. Didn't make it though. It's by reema_patel, who made a whole bunch of Countdown icons, many of which are lovely.


theaquamarine March 4 2011, 03:56:25 UTC
I like how you've described Kate waking up- it's a scene I really wanted to see! We always seem to get Castle calling out for Beckett looking for her, but we rarely (with the exception of a tiny moment in 3xK) get to see Beckett doing the same. I also really liked the callback to "Chill"- I can't believe the actual writers missed out on that!! :)


madmenfanatic March 4 2011, 05:27:48 UTC
I liked the additional scene. I thought it was too quick on the show from almost frozen to death to sitting up in ambulance (tho Josh said it'd been an hour), to instantly getting back into the case. It was so fast that at first I thought it was a dream. And also because a cardiologist was working in an ambulance... (though they probably called him because his girlfriend is Beckett)

Thanks for writing. Even though we are all Castle/beckett fans, it's good to get inside her head. And for her to know Castle will always be there for her.


jvgymnast March 4 2011, 12:49:07 UTC
Love the story, but I have to say, what caught my eye is your journal banner-- I had that same book of the 12 Dancing Princesses when I was a kid!


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