windscryer May 10, 2012 21:31
*cries*, plotting against the neighbors--again, one of those days i get all: determined, *drama queen*, and by 'evil' i mean 'stupid', i can't blame this on alcohol, is that a thing? i'm making it a thing., escuse me have you seen my marbles?, there are no thinkythoughts here, reasons i belong in a plastic bubble, that's gonna leave a mark, goals i haz them, life experience is good for you--no rly, whine and cheese hour on the patio, *facepalm*, brb have to go die now, there are evils in your cheerios!!! =o, today's icon is ironic, one of those days i get all: derpy, project: make it sew!, oops! i did it again, school is 4 losers (and toys'r'us kids), *headdesk*, kill me now, i know where i've been, one of those days i-- squirrel!