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Comments 3

tahirire November 20 2009, 16:18:13 UTC
Lol, I think EVERYBODY heard 'O Death' playing in their heads over the credits of that one. ;)


windscryer November 20 2009, 16:33:30 UTC
Srsly. Show ended and I turned on my iPod and this was the first thing that shuffled up. I took that as a sign.

Whether it's a sign of good things, bad things, or just proof that my iPod is psychic, sympathetic, and not a total asshole, I don't know.

Or maybe it's proof my iPod is psychic and that it IS a total asshole.

That wouldn't surprise me either.


rip hezio2 November 22 2009, 23:34:15 UTC
Pretty much as soon as Jo ran back for Dean, I knew that was it for her.
yeah--- exactly how I felt. Saw that and sed she's ded.

2. Cas using Meg as his escape route. WAY TO THINK OUTSIDE OF THE BOX, BUDDY. :D *two thumbs up*
Oh hells yeah!! my mouth fell open. Kick ass angel right there.


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