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Nov 19, 2009 22:55

Post-episode reaction liek whoas.

So . . . yeah.

Pretty much as soon as Jo ran back for Dean, I knew that was it for her.

Ellen was a bit more of a surprise.

For, like, half a second. *eyeroll*

Guh. Totally killed me though with the way they sent them off. If you gotta go out, man, you can only hope it's with style and asplosions.

And one helluva last word. GO ELLEN! \o/

It was a helluva lot better than what they gave fuckin' Ash, that's for DAMN sure.

Still, I had to pause and cry for like five minutes.

First they almost kill Sam'n'Dean's Other Dad, and now they COMPLETELY kill their Other Mom.

I would so not blame Sam'n'Dean if they went after Chuck and kicked his ass for not warning them somehow.

In fact, I'll help. *dives into her armory for the GOOD toys*

*mounts up on her pony*


I do have two happy thoughts though:

1. Cas drinking with the girls. Sucks that it was their last, but at least they made it one helluva last night.

2. Cas using Meg as his escape route. WAY TO THINK OUTSIDE OF THE BOX, BUDDY. :D *two thumbs up*

So, to recap:

RIP Ellen and Jo. ;_;

Cas was made of win this week. \o/

Jensen and Jared and Samantha and Misha and Alona all acted the HELL out of this episode--as always. x_x

Eric is made of soon to be dead toast. >.<

I think Lucifer was a caveman for Geico before he bought a straight razor and fired his makeup artist. I need a new car insurance provider. O_O

;_;, spn: 4.10 abandon all hope, killed ded by the awesome, after action review, are you listening to me eric?

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