Tack! :) Det har jag med. I början var KaoruxToshiya mitt favoritpar, men sen har KxK och DiexKaoru tagit över, så jag har inte tänkt på Toshiya så jättemycket fram tills nu.
I don't think I ever commented before on this one. Read it some really good while ago (December or November last year). Added to memories too. It's such a lovely and peaceful fic full of unspoken words but in the same time all too evident.
Loved how you contoured Toshiya's childishness. That's one true fact people tend to omit because they fall for THEIR induced image of Toshiya as a whore, haha. That's such a wrong image...SO yeah. Loved that. Heard the raining too while reading it :) Lovely. I think you could do any other Kaoru/Toshiya fic any time you want to because you really capture them vividly.
"[...] ull of unspoken words but in the same time all too evident." I love that about this too, haha XD. It makes me happy that you saw all that wasn't written.
Yeah, it's sad that many doesn't see the other sides of Toshiya. I'm not totally against them portraying him as a whore, if it's written in a good way. With depth and reason to it and such things, not because to make him whory (if that's even a word XD) because it's fun or hot or something.
Thank you for your lovely comments! I will defiantly write them again sometime :). They to loveable to resist <3.
Dude, i fuckin love this. So quiet, understated, muted and drenched in rain. Just rain, not angst. I love the normal and the silent understanding between the two of them. The way you know they go a long way together. Pure love.
After yesterday I felt that I should read something more from you...so I chose this, cause KaoruxToshiya is one of my favourite parings... and now I can say, you are good good writer... for me this was next really wonderful story for next good night. Thanks ~.^
Aw, you're to kind! Thanks really, I'm very glad that you find my writings worth of reading and be a good way to round of the day. It's comments like this that give me encouragement :).
Comments 9
han måste oxå få lite love snart xD
Det har jag med. I början var KaoruxToshiya mitt favoritpar, men sen har KxK och DiexKaoru tagit över, så jag har inte tänkt på Toshiya så jättemycket fram tills nu.
YEah, ge honom ltie kääärlek ;).
Loved how you contoured Toshiya's childishness. That's one true fact people tend to omit because they fall for THEIR induced image of Toshiya as a whore, haha. That's such a wrong image...SO yeah. Loved that. Heard the raining too while reading it :) Lovely. I think you could do any other Kaoru/Toshiya fic any time you want to because you really capture them vividly.
Yeah, same here. And the sound of the gravel. And the world beneath the umbrella <3
Yeah, it's sad that many doesn't see the other sides of Toshiya. I'm not totally against them portraying him as a whore, if it's written in a good way. With depth and reason to it and such things, not because to make him whory (if that's even a word XD) because it's fun or hot or something.
Thank you for your lovely comments! I will defiantly write them again sometime :). They to loveable to resist <3.
Thanks again, I also like the normal understanding between them. I seem to like the more realistic view of them in my writings.
Rain can be so love sometimes.
( I <3 their umbrella world too *sigh*)
and now I can say, you are good good writer... for me this was next really wonderful story for next good night.
Thanks ~.^
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