NEW!!! "Hazard Pay - Final Chapter"

Dec 16, 2013 19:24

Title: Hazard Pay - Chapter Thirty-One

Pairing: Noah/OMC

Rating: M

Prompt: Action!Noah in action ripped from the headlines!

Disclaimer: Don’t own ‘em. Don’t make no money.

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Comments 19

pirl December 17 2013, 04:01:14 UTC
EEEEEEeeeeEEE!!! I love it!!! Jeff & Pippa taking on the world, changing minds and getting everyone on board the Equality Train! And it warms my heart that everyone in on Team Noah. Holden & Lily being his "couch buddies" to watch the show, Luke coming thru and getting Jeff a permanent place to be by Noah's side. I love everyone so hard.

Oh to see the scene where Jeff meets Emma, she's going to gush over him. And I could totally see him say something ohso-southern-charm to make her blush like a little girl.

Extra-schmoopy epilogue!??!?!? Yes, yes, 1000x yes!! Tho I'm SO DAMN SAD this is ending! D:


willwork4dean December 17 2013, 04:26:42 UTC
Did I mention the epilogue will include both schmoop AND sex?


pirl December 17 2013, 04:54:11 UTC
It's like you just told me I'm getting Christmas, New Years, my birthday, my un-birthday, Festivus and the 4th of July all at once!


Love a Happy Ending myalterego1 December 17 2013, 15:29:21 UTC
I have to admit, Luke/Noah will always be my OTP. However, your writing sold me on Jeff/Noah 100% I love how this story unfolded and am so sorry to see it end. Gosh, but you are talented. Can't wait for the schmoop!

And, does this mean that someday we'll see the end of Angel's Lie too? My Willworkfordean fanfic addiction must be fed!


Re: Love a Happy Ending willwork4dean December 17 2013, 18:20:17 UTC
I agree that Nuke will always be my OTP and when I started writing the story I just assumed they would end up together. But then that darn Jeff came along! I'm glad you ended up enjoying the story anyway. :-)

Yes, I will definitely be finishing "Angels Lie"! My goal was to finish both stories this year but obviously that's not going to happen. :-(


mslauren2930 December 18 2013, 01:38:13 UTC
I feel so strange saying this, but I kind of want Noah to share one last cigarette with Reid. :)


willwork4dean December 18 2013, 02:13:26 UTC
Hee! Maybe they can sneak out for one at Thanksgiving.


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willwork4dean December 19 2013, 16:33:49 UTC
Aww, thanks so much for your lovely comments! There is definitely a very happy ending come up for everyone involved, including lifelong friendship. I can see Noah and Jeff being patient counselors during the inevitable Reid/Luke drama. (One time when crashing on their couch, Reid finally admits that he secretly likes the drama, too.) Reid and Noah sneaking out for the occasional cigarette. Reid and Jeff enjoying the occasionally snarky comment. And everyone being proud/supportive of each other's accomplishments.


random_nic December 18 2013, 14:02:22 UTC
I don't know where to start, end, or what to even put in the middle to adequately relay my love for this story. So many great things here... the grudging Noah/Reid camaraderie, the fact that Holden and Lily's concern is what's best for Noah (rather than what Luke thinks is best for himself in any given moment), the tremendously written original character of Jeff, and most especially, that this was a *Noah*-focused story. So often even in great fics, we're reading a story primarily about Luke's world, with Noah as a leading character, but without a real existence outside of being Luke's boyfriend. As someone who bemoaned how the show gave Noah such a raw deal, so often sidelining him when it made no sense for him to be offscreen, this beautiful tale of Noah will stay with me, and remain an all-time favorite. SPECTACULARLY DONE!


willwork4dean December 19 2013, 16:39:31 UTC
Thanks so much for your sweet comments! I'm definitely a Nuke fan, but at the end of the day, Noah's my guy. He's the one I love no matter what the storyline. (I kinda feel the same way about Holden and Lily. I love them together, but when they're not together, I love Holden and get pretty annoyed with Lily.)
It just killed me that, at the end of the show, Noah left Oakdale the same way he arrived - alone. In both situations, it took so much guts for him to keep moving forward despite that. I kinda needed someone to acknowledge that. It also felt good to write a story where Noah wasn't somebody's fallback position - where the person who was with him felt like the luckiest guy on the planet. At the same time, I didn't want to make anybody out to be a cardboard villain. Anyway, so glad the story worked for you!


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