I'm. selling. my soul. to the devil!!

Oct 10, 2007 17:55

Snagged from callieach

Choose a letter of the alphabet and name a word (you can make it a phrase if you like) that begins with that letter. (Once a letter is taken, future posters have to choose another letter.) Name a fandom (and a character or pairing). I will write you a drabble/ficlet for that fandom based around the theme of that word. Feel free to pick more than one!

Fandoms: Bones, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, RPF, (and because I'm feeling stupid kinda brave and because just having four fandoms is a little pathetic) Kathy Reichs Series, Dead Like Me, Torchwood.

A - Agent [Bones, Jack/Angela, callieach] - 'The Benefits of Misconception'
B - Baby [AtS, Lilah/Wesley, mini_miss]
C - Cherry [KR-Verse, Brennan/Ryan, callieach] - 'Cherry Coke'
D - Death [AtS, Fred/Gunn, kimberkatie]
E - Eyes [RPF, TJ/Michaela, kimberkatie]
F - Fire [Torchwood, Gwen, callieach]
G -
H - Hollow [Bones, Angela/anyoneelseyoufeellikestickinginOther, callieach]
I - It's a cold, cold world [AtS, Drusilla (could be Dru/Spike or Dru/Darla), mini_miss]
J -
K -
L - Love [BtVS, Spike or Spike/Other, kimberkatie]
M - Men [Bones, Angela/Cam/Brennan (Or any combination thereof) friendship, callieach] - 'It Was Only a Kiss'
N -
O - Only [Bones, Gen, callieach]
P -
Q -
R -
S - Spy [Bones, Jack Hodgins, kimberkatie]
T - Time [AtS, Allen Francis Doyle, kimberkatie] - 'Nothing Just Happens'
U -
V - Ventriloquism [Bones, Zach, callieach]
W - Wall [RPF, TJ/Michaela, callieach]
X -
Y -
Z -

fanfiction meme, meme

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