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Comments 4

simplyn2deep May 15 2012, 17:52:11 UTC
well there's something you don't see every day

or something.

I like that idea


rainbowwizard1 May 15 2012, 21:24:28 UTC
I love this for about a million reasons. Mainly because Peter Pan is one of my favorite Disney movies (beaten out by like The Lion King and Mulan, basically) And of course, in my head, little Steve is basically Alex O'Laughlin only tiny, which is super cute. And Peter Pan Danny? PRICELESS. ...BUT WHO IS TINKERBELL? =D

Speaking of Hawaii 5-0, so I watched the crossover episode with NCIS Los Angeles a couple of weeks ago (which was awesome, by the way...did you see the second half on NCIS LA?) and then caught the last two episodes of the season. I think I'm watching it backwards! =D Now I have to get my hands on the first season and the rest of this season so I can watch it all, cuz it's AWESOME =D


willow_fae_20 May 15 2012, 21:40:01 UTC
I LOVE Peter Pan.

LoL'ing @ wee!Alex O'Loughlin.

I haven't seen any of the last 4 episodes yet. waaaaahhhhhhh. But my BFF Karen is totes recording them for me so. soon!!!

I never know who to cast as 'younger!character' when I imagine wee!chara fic :( like, my brain can't come up with any appropriate child actors for the roles.

Tink is and will always the cartoon version of Peter Pan Tink for me. Or if I was pressed into a 'live action' one I'd say Julia Roberts (from the Robin Williams version 'Hook')

Also: I need/want to see the biopic of JMM Barrie called (I think) Neverland. It had Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet in it.


rainbowwizard1 May 15 2012, 22:18:31 UTC
OMG when you watch the one where the two NCIS Los Angeles characters come over, you have to make sure you catch the NCIS LA episode too, cuz that's the conclusion, and it was fucking epic =D

But yes! wee!Alex O'Loughlin!! Complete with some stubble! It's pretty adorable in my brain =D

OMG KONO COULD BE TINKERBELL. *is evil......will probably be sniped shortly by a ninja surfer chick*

YES! Neverland is an amazing movie, you should totally watch it. I cried buckets when I first saw it. I still tear up when I watch it again now.


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