Have a plot bunny...
So here's the thing: one night, shortly after Steve turned 5, when his parents were out at some Police Function/Dinner Thing Steve wakes up to find a little glimmering, glowing thing flittering around his room. As it moves close to him it sprinkles glitter (cue indignant squwaking from Steve, because Glitter is something the girls in his class use to decorate with... it's certainly not something Stevie McGarrett would be caught dead using). Anyways so the thing sprinkles glitter on him and then manages to make it's way out of his window (which was left open in deference to the warm Hawaiian night. When he wakes up the next morning Stevie realises he's floating above his bed. H's not sure why but he'd been dreaming of his mom making cookies and his stupid baby sister actually being quiet for 5 minutes while he and his dad were tinkering with the car.
A few weeks later, again while he's sleeping a boy comes into his room looking for his shadow... steve helps him find the shadow and in return the boy (who's name is Danny Panne Williams (Panne is a family name changed over the years from Pan) shows him how to get to neverland.
Then when he is 15 Steve's mother is killed and Steve (and Mary) sent away. What no one knows is that Steve makes his way to NL again, looking for his friend Danny. He doesn't find him, because as he's told Danny grew up and had to leave. Just like Steve is now too grown up to be in NeverLand any more.
There is always a part of Steve that remembers Danny and NeverLand, and how to get there. So imagine Steve's shock when he meets Daniel Williams of HPD who is investigating Steve's fathers murder. Steve forces Danny to remember NL and to take Grace there so she can know it too.