First Post in Forever and it's Family Drama

Jun 21, 2010 10:43

So I know I've talked about my sister and her ShitHead husband in England before this is more of that...

blah blah dramacakes blah blah )

drama and wangst, real life, siblings, family, wtf

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Comments 2

justthismorning June 21 2010, 14:53:32 UTC
that totally sucks. Although I think the lawyer will get in on it no matter what. Everything the lawyer does = dollars and they never give that up except for crazy circumstances. I hope it all gets sorted out.

Also, Dylan's surgery is June 28, right?
Another also. Did you get confirmed pregnant?


willow_fae_20 June 21 2010, 15:21:33 UTC
Good point about the lawyer thing. Had I been in the lawyers position I'd have totally washed my hands of the situation...

Yes the Surgery is scheduled for the 28th. I'm totally considering requesting an Ativan...

re: confirmation of preg. That's a whole nother story. I went for my appointment on the 14th figuring they'd do an internal physical. They didn't. They talked at me for an hour it was the exact same as my first appointment with Dylan except for with him they did an internal. So IDK what's up with that. I'm thinking they figure it's the second time around (possibly) so I should know if I'm actually pregnant.


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