First Post in Forever and it's Family Drama

Jun 21, 2010 10:43

So I know I've talked about my sister and her ShitHead husband in England before this is more of that...

They are Finally getting separated. Thank God. But they are both super manipulative, so that sucks. K is staying with a friend close to the hospital where she works and N told her that she'd have to get a place of her own if she wanted to keep the boys for any overnights. He said he'd give her 2 000 pounds to help her out, but that was all he could afford (since he stopped teaching when they started separation proceedings 'cause it was too much stress... he teaches 2nd graders). K went to her lawyer who said she'd write to N asking for his financial details to see if they couldn't get a little more out of him. K told N the lawyer would be writing him. He started crying (in front of the kids one of whom we think is autistic) and begged her not to get the lawyer involved. She said okay she wouldn't and told the lawyer not to write the letter. N gave her some kind of card (I'm assuming a debit/credit card) and she told him it was rejected. He said too bad, he wasn't going to help her out. So I'm of the opinion that the lawyer has probably washed her hands of the situation but K wants to go back and ask her if there's anything she can do. If K brings the kids over here it'll be considered kidnapping and all kinds of bad stuff will happen (especially since the oldest kids (American) passport expired and N is refusing to sign to get it renewed.

Blah, sorry had to get that out.

In other news: I have another OB appointment on Wednesday where they'll do a physical and set up a date/time for an ultrasound.

drama and wangst, real life, siblings, family, wtf

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