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Comments 5

munibunny April 18 2010, 03:49:46 UTC
My mother in law is the same way. She told me last week that she doesn't trust one of our teachers because "I've been around those homosexuals and he's not fooling me, he's gay." Yeah, he's the sweetest, most trustworthy person I know. In fact, I've been letting him pick my kids up from school since they were in kindergarten. Whether he's straight or in denial doesn't matter to me, obviously. Of course, I wonder what my mil would do if she found out that her 2 favorite teachers are both lesbians.


willow_fae_20 April 18 2010, 04:11:08 UTC
Your icon made me LoL. It's oddly appropriate.

judgmental people make me cry.

Seriously, I've never met a gay person that tried to 'convert' people... Christian's on the other hand...


queen_insane April 18 2010, 04:14:42 UTC
That's horrible. And so, so sad.


willow_fae_20 April 18 2010, 04:23:46 UTC

I just wanted to grab my baby out of her arms and run far far away.


queen_insane April 18 2010, 04:24:12 UTC
That kid is yours. Teach it to grow up right.


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