Bigots Make Baby Jesus Cry

Apr 17, 2010 23:37

Went to the In-Law's for dinner tonight. And after we were sitting watching Wheel of Fortune and this is seriously what my M-i-L said to me (for background they are doing 'Pet Week' on the show):

M-i-L: On yesterday's show there was a gay man you could see her eyebrows knit in 'OMG Teh ebol gay might get cooties on me and he was saying 'I've been married to my wonderful husband for 6 years and we have a cat who's name is Mr. Kitty Pants.' So not only is he gay, he's also stupid. He was talking in 'that annoying odd way they talk.'...

I could only nod in 'understanding' while I was crying/dying a little on the inside while thinking 'Eff you, bitch. He's in a happily committed relationship, and he's not pushing some stupid agenda on you. Leave him and his alone.'

The best part about the whole thing: She tries to pass herself off as this God-Fearing good Christian woman... but really she's a narrow-minded, bigoted douche-bag.

I think I'm gonna eat the rest of my Chicken Lo Mein from Thursday, then I'm gong to bed.

stupid people suck, conversations with my mother in law, wtf, real life, bitch please, what the what?, family, dnw

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