I wrote Crack and J2 is only a side pairing...

Jun 09, 2009 07:09

Seriously. I'm not sure where this came from. It's Band-Slash Crack. So I'm just going to dive right in.

Title: Tea-Parties are way better then Dr. Phil

Author: Lady Taevyn

Rating: PG

Pairing/Category: Band-slash, RPS, Brendon/Spencer, Jared/Jensen, and Jon/Ryan.

Genre: Schmoop, Crack

Summary: Montana Helmsley’s Gammy was a well respected ( Read more... )

bandom: panic, band fic, crack, fandom: j2, omg, new fic, wtf

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Comments 10

justthismorning June 9 2009, 19:56:00 UTC
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU WIN ON SO MANY LEVELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Boy dolls that don't look like boys! OMG! *Flail*

And Ryan looking for another scarf! LMFAO!!!!!!!

I flailed and squealed so hard that I set my dog off. Now she won't stop barking. But bb, this is so cracky and cute and totally belongs in the WIN category of life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


willow_fae_20 June 9 2009, 20:01:52 UTC
So you like it then? LoL. I totally want to post it somewhere like 'public' but I have no idea what comm's it would fit into. Any clues?

I'm sorry i made you set your dog off. Hopefully she's calmed down a little.

I'm so glad it worked for you.

♥ FOREVER!!!!!


justthismorning June 9 2009, 23:24:55 UTC
There's discoattheslash (I think) and slashatthedisco (but I think this one REQUIRES a beta. Not sure.) I post all my stuff at failboatsinlove (the Brendon/Spencer comm)

Kasey's a goon. And I'd set her off again for something this adorable.


willow_fae_20 June 9 2009, 23:32:15 UTC
I'm totally going to post it FailBoatsInLove. And possibly DiscoAtTheSlash.

My cats have been avoiding me all day. Which is surprising seeing as we had a beast of a thunder storm here that lasted like 2 hours. I think all my squealing about fic has finally driven them away :(


(The comment has been removed)

willow_fae_20 June 10 2009, 01:07:24 UTC
Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it.


panicmydear June 10 2009, 16:27:57 UTC

Colorful scarves? Brendon mad at Spencer because he cuddled with Haley? Rywalk love???

God. Priceless. What a gem. :) I loved.


willow_fae_20 June 10 2009, 17:13:09 UTC
YAY!!!!! It was my first foray into BandSlash, so I'm glad it's gotten a good reception so far.


pixiebullets June 10 2009, 17:11:37 UTC
OH MY GOD. This was ten kinds of awesome omg too adorable for words! Seriously, the boys as girly looking dolls and omg Ryan with his scarves! So awesome. Thank you for sharing it with us! Hope you'll post more Brendon/Spencer fics over at failboatsinlove. :))


willow_fae_20 June 10 2009, 17:14:54 UTC
Aawww, thank you for taking the time to let me know you liked it. I'm kind of in love with this pairing, so I'd imagine there might yet be more coming from my corner of the internets.


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